Schwarzenegger Will Name Mendelsohn Communications Director
Governor Schwarzenegger is expected to name Adam Mendelsohn his next Communications Director this week. Mendelsohn will take over from Rob Stutzman, who is expected to be going to the campaign to handle media duties.
I’ve known Adam for almost 15 years — he is one of the hardest working and most loyal operatives in California politics. His management skills are second to none, he recently was responsible for starting a DC based PR firm that services fortune 50 companies like AT&T and Microsoft. His California rolodex is strong — developed working for Bruce McPherson, Matt Fong and Steve Kuykendall.
Welcome back to California Adam, we’re glad to have you and your talent back in the state. [Publisher’s Note: I’ve known Adam for many years. Solid pick – I’ll write more tomorrow. Flash]… Read More