And They’re Off!
The major candidates for the 50th Congressional and their teams are lining up. In this first report, I thought I’d concentrate on the “teams” which will consist of general consultants, pollsters, finance consultants, and campaign managers. I’ll update this regularly as I find out more information… if I make an error or there are changes in the line-up campaigns can simply email me and I’ll correct next time around. Consider this a “quick and dirty” version. And the required disclosure: Coronado Communications works for Bilbray. I’ll promise to be as neutral and fair as the OC guys are in the 35th!
In no particular order:
Richard Earnest. Former Mayor of Del Mar. Moderate. Team: unknown/changing
Howard Kaloogian. Former Assemblyman. Conservative. Team: consulting Russo Marsh + Rogers
Brian Bilbray. Former Congressman. Conservative. Team: consulting Tab Communications, Coronado Communications., BDPR, finance (local) Dorsee Productions & (DC) Todd Meredith
Bill Morrow. State Senator. Conservative. Team: consulting Joe Justin Company, finance (local) Lacee Beaulio, manager Vartan… Read More