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Jennifer Nelson

Ah, the good old days…

I just returned home to Oakland after two fun days in Sacramento where I was lucky to attend a couple of events celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Republicans taking control of the State Assembly. Ten years ago this month, Assemblyman Curt Pringle united his caucus and was elected speaker, giving then-Governor Pete Wilson a GOP majority to push through key conservative issues. Today, Pringle is putting those same limited government, free market principles to work as mayor of the city of Anaheim.

The first event of the celebration was a reunion dinner of the personal staff who helped Pringle implement the policies of the new GOP majority. Pringle fondly recalled the hard work of his team, thanking them for their dedication and ideas. Others told stories of the good times working together, which included lots of breast-feeding jokes about Deborah Gonzalez (who gave birth shortly before Pringle took power and then promptly showed up to work, bringing her newborn with her. Pringle then created a special breast-feeding room in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s McPickle

What conservative in California has a higher profile than State Senator Tom McClintock? He has been arguably the most articulate, principled conservative in the legislature. Twice he carried the statewide conservative banner as the GOP nominee for State Controller (the last go-around losing to Steve Westly by less than one vote per precinct). Of course, he ran as the conservative candidate in the 2003 recall election, and won praise from not only conservatives but from across the political spectrum for the statesmanlike approach he took to campaigning in that race. Unless Governor Schwarzenegger leaves the GOP, he has a virtual lock on the Republican nomination for Governor in his re-election. McClintock is facing a clear field in his bid to be Arnold’s running mate. (Hmmm… “Schwarzenegger / McClintock” – that makes for a long bumper sticker…) It is clear from all of the news stories offering a prelude to the Governor’s State of the State speech tonight that Schwarzenegger is tacking hard to the political center, and some of his proposals (massive spending, wage hike mandates, etc.) are anathema to a rock-solid intellectual libertarian like… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

I’ll Second Schnur’s Motion

I just read my fellow FR Blogger Dan Schnur’s panegyric to Steve Schmidt, with which I fully concur. Steve is smart, savvy, dedicated and is abundantly experienced.

I got to know Steve when I was communications director for Darrell Issa’s U.S. Senate campaign. Matt Fong’s campaign had been floundering until early in 1998 when McNally/Temple was jettisoned and Ron Rogers took direct control of the campaign (my fellow FR Blogger Phil Paule was the political director, in which position he continuously fl;ummoxed the MTA folks). Ron brought on smart, hard-working operatives like Steve Schmidt, Jim Camp and Adam Mendehlson. The improvement in the Fong campaign’s discipline and focus was immediately noticeable.

Even in the dark days (for them) of April 1998, when the Fong campaign was on life support, Steve never wavered or relented. When our campaign failed administer the coup de grace and allowed the Fong campaign up off the mat, Steve, Jim and Adam were able to quickly capitalize on the opportunity. If Matt… Read More

Jon Fleischman

George W. Bush wins National Title

There is an important meeting of the minds taking place by gate #2 in the terminal at John Wayne Airport. Translation: Jon has found Ken Khachigian also waiting for the next flight to Sacramento. As you would expect, the conversation quickly turned to the Rose Bowl narrow defeat of the USC Trojans. Ken, showing that his ability to ‘spin’ victory in any circumstance, had this to say:

"The game’s metaphor is a red state victory over a blue state; George Bush over Barbara Boxer over Nancy Pelosi," said Ken. "Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear."

(As a Bruin supporter myself, I’m just fine with the sow’s ear.)… Read More

Mike Spence

Rosemead, Wal-Mart Recall back off

First the pro-Wal-Mart council majority call off a recall election using a recent liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the Voting Rights Act. (BTW: Thisruling creates lots of possible problems forcitizen democracy in the future.) See it here.Then one of the majority’s members changes sides and votes to have the recall election. See it here.Now one of those being recalled went to federal court and successfully got an order stopping the recall process— for now. See the local story here.

If Wal-Mart can only get the bulldozers started.… Read More

Dan Schnur

Steve Schmidt and the Class of ’98

When I met Steve Schmidt in 1998, he was one of three very smart young Republican communications specialists working in California politics, all of whom were far too talented for their work environments. Like Rob Stutzman in Dan Lungren’s office and Nicolle Devenish at the Assembly Republican Caucus, Steve’s job on the Matt Fong for Senate campaign made him a rare bright spot in a tragically flawed political operation.

All three staffers had such superior political and messaging instincts to their colleagues that it was almost painful to watch them struggle to implement an inept strategic plan on a daily basis. Lungren and Fong were the frontmen for two of the worst-run and most strategicaly incoherent statewide campaigns in California history: both were political juggernauts when measured against the paralysis that had taken over the Assembly Republicans at that point in time. But the three young operatives not only survived their mediocre surroundings, but they all developed talents for political communications that have allowed them to achieve extraordinary successful careers in a field that has not historically been an area of Republican… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State of the State Address- Also, Rep. Issa will endorse Bilbray in the 50th.

ARNOLD TO GIVE STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS Today at 5 p.m., the Governor will issue his 2006 State of the State Address before a special joint session of the California State Legislature. If you are not one of the 120 legislators, and other assorted VIP types who will be in the Assembly chambers, you can watch a streaming video of the Governor’s speech live right here.Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Will Toll Road Take A Toll On The Environment?

It’s become a common story: environmentalists trying to impede progress — be it a needed road or new homes — by waving some endangered species like tribal medicine men wielding a talisman.

One instance where this scenario is being played out in Orange County is the planned extension of the 241 tollway to connect with the I-5 Freeway near San Clemente. Predictably, the enviros — inlcuding their allies on the State Park & Recreation Commission (which includes actor/director Clint Eastwood and Maria Shriver’s brother Bobby) — are shrieking that this proposed route will destroy the fragile ecosystem of this delicate wilderness area, wreak devastation and desolation blah, blah, blah.

The endangered species talisman being wielded in this instance is the arroyo toad, which inhabits San Mateo Creek, a creek running through the planned tollway alignment, which is dry for most of the year. This 2-3 inch amphibian is one of 300 species of true toads. It looks pretty much like any other toad. In fact, it is pretty much… Read More