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Jon Fleischman

The Gov’s State of the State… What will the good news be for conservatives?

In a week and a half, FR San Diego Contributor Barry Jantz and I will be traveling to Sacramento to hear the Governor deliver his State of the State Address. When we are there, we will be listening carefully for Arnold Schwarzenegger to remind us why we recalled Gray Davis, and elected the Terminator to head up our State Government.

Media-spin going into this big speech is that the Governor is going to embrace the Democrats in some sort of "let’s grow government" love-fest that includes tens of billions of dollars in borrowing, and a notable tack to the political center.

(Lest anyone forget, Arnold is already in the political center, as a fiscal conservative and socially liberal Governor. Yes, those items he pushed in the Special Election represented his fiscally conservative views, but that is because the legislature already embraces his socially liberal views.)

As conservatives, we will be there, waiting to hear if the speech that is given is one that tells the GOP base… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Two Interesting Stories…

Here are a couple of interesting stories from a quick glance at today’s papers. I’ll be out of town through New Years, and unable to spend much time on the site. But perhaps highlighting a couple of stories today will inspire one or more of the blog team to do the same in the coming days. Maria Shriver Recasts ‘First Lady’ as a Powerful Role in California What her friends see as beneficial projects, her critics see as self-promotion A lengthy piece in today’s Los Angeles Times on California’s First Lady... … Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Weblog Up, Main News Site and E-mail Updates down until 1/3/06

Happy Holidays!

First and foremost, thank you for being a ‘customer’ of the FlashReport website on California politics! While starting as an e-newsletter, it has now been almost three full months since we made the shift to being a web-based publication. The response has been overwhelming, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU on behalf of myself, and the team of folks who are contributors to the site!

THE MAIN PAGE, COMMENTARY PAGE and E-MAIL NOTICE features of this site will be DOWN until Tuesday, January 3rd. It has been an annual tradition since the FR started in 2001 for the Publisher (me) to take this time off. However, the FLASHREPORT WEBLOG WILL BE UP AND RUNNING throughout the holidays, where many of our contributors will still be posting tidbits and thoughts. I’ll be pitching in my ten cents, too.

While the main part of the site is down, we’ll be working on some changes that I hope you will enjoy. We are hopefully going to be bringing you a new exciting contributor to the site, and we are also working on having all of the changes in place… Read More

Barry Jantz

A Christmas Message

Lest we forget…

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David)to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to allRead More

Jon Fleischman

Last Day for FR News until 1/3 – FR Blog Will be Up! A word on Doolitte, Pombo.

First and foremost, thank you for being a ‘customer’ of the FlashReport website on California politics! While starting as an e-newsletter, it has now been almost three full months since we made the shift to being a web-based publication. The response has been overwhelming, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU on behalf of myself, and the team of folks who are contributors to the site!

THE MAIN PAGE, COMMENTARY PAGE and E-MAIL NOTICE features of this site will be DOWN until Tuesday, January 3rd. It has been an annual tradition since the FR started in 2001 for the Publisher (me) to take this time off. However, the FLASHREPORT WEBLOG WILL BE UP AND RUNNING throughout the holidays, where many of our contributors will still be posting tidbits and thoughts. I’ll be pitching in my ten cents, too.

While the main part of the site is down, we’ll be working on some changes that I hope you will enjoy. We are hopefully going to be bringing you a couple of new exciting contributors to the site, and we are also working on having all of the changes in place for 1/3 to allow for you, FR readers, to be able to post… Read More

Guerilla Radio

So I’m on my last dash to the mall …it’s perfect Northern California weather for this boy from Michigan….drizzle….low dark clouds….and I’m surfing the radio…and I head toward the UC Davis radio station KDVS – 90.3 FM in hopes they were playing alternative college radio music….but not this morning…I was turned into “Guerilla Radio”…not the great song by the defunct militant leftist band Rage Against the Machine…but a real radical talk radio program – Making Contact.

Listening to Making Contact made the job of titling this post easy…but I knew I was dead on when I went to the home page of the… Read More

Mike Spence

CRA Opposes Pre-Primary Partisan Endorsements— Even for Our Friends

Historically, the California Republican Assembly has opposed pre-primary partisan endorsements by the Republican Party. This opposition doesn’t change because our friends may be endorsed. Ron Nehring, the current Vice-Chairman of the State GOP has put forth a proposal that would retain the Schwarzenegger endorsement for Governor coupled with an endorsement of Tom McClintock for Lieutenant Governor.

I need to point out that while Mr. Nehring was chairing the County Chairman’s Association while they endorsed Schwarzenegger over McClintock, the CRA PAC I headed raised and spent several hundred thousands of dollars supporting McClintock in the recall. So obviously weare pro-McClintock.

The reason CRA members like McClintock is he is principled. CRA will stand on principle on this pre-primary endorsement issue as well.

Mr. Nehring travels the state telling volunteers that the party has a responsibility to register voters, walk precincts etc…

Now it looks like the party will start choosing the nominee.

In 1998, the State Party made a pre-primary endorsement of Dan Lungren for Governor. Please… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Clarification: CRP/McPherson

In my commentary today, I talk about an effort being spearheaded by State GOP Vice-Chairman Ron Nehring to change Party rules to facilitate a pre-primary endorsement for McClintock, establishing a Schwrzenegger/ McClintock “ticket” for ’06.

In there, I said I didn’t remember whether the State GOP had already endorsed appointed Secretary of State Bruce McPherson when they endorsed the Governor for re-election.

FR contributor Mike Spence reminded me this morning that at the time, McPherson had not yet been confirmed by the State Senate. So the GOP passed a resolution urging that he be confirmed.

That isn’t to say that McPherson, Poochigian, Leslie and others might not try to get on the “pre-primary endorsement band wagon” – we’ll see how this develops!… Read More