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Jon Fleischman

FlashReport meets with Gov’s Senior Staff just before State of the State Address

Arnold Schwarzenegger is showman. He likes to thing big. REALLY BIG. (Think T1, T2, and T3). Running in a controversial recall election — big. In California – big. A complete overhaul of California – big. "Blowing up boxes" – big. A special election to take on the special interests – big. Now, "Mr. Hollywood" has come up with his BIGGEST idea yet…Massive spending (including bonds) to finance BIG state infrastructure needs. His proposal is SO BIG that we really should make the word big into like 50 point font. We’ll get to the big "strategic growth plan" in a moment. The point of talking about Schwarzenegger’s fascination with big things is that it might go a long way towards explaining why he is introducing such a BIG proposal… Jon and Barry met withRead More

Mike Spence

Where did Arnold go?

Rather than recount the sell out of small government Republicans by the Gov. in his State of the State speech. I want to ask some questions about a different speech I heard Aug. 31, 2004. In it he describes what it is to be a Republican and what traits he like in Pres. Bush. You can read the whole thing here.

First he starts out describing the Soviet threat and about his coming to America. then he leads into why is a Republican. Some are about foreign policy, but here is a really good one

"If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does, then you are a Republican!" Please, someone tell me how the Arnold $222 billion dolllar plan fits that statement.

And what about this from the RNC Speech "Now they say India and China are overtaking us. Don’t you believe it! We may hit a few bumps — but America always moves ahead! That’s what Americans do!" What has changed Governor, now we are to emulate Red China’s optimism.

Then on Pres. Bush.… Read More

Dan Schnur

Question for my fellow bloggers

Here’s my question for angry Republicans, especially my colleagues who post to this website:

If Schwarzenegger had not named a Democrat to be his chief of staff last month, would you be this upset about his speech tonight?

Let’s assume that he doesn’t raise taxes, or exceed the six percent limit for debt service. He can then argue that this bonding would have happened anyway over the next ten years, but better to plan it out rather than doing it piecemeal.

And let’s assume that the Retailers’ Association, the State Chamber, etc continue to support the minimum wage increase. (Which I don’t remember anyone going crazy about last summer when Schwarzenegger offered the same deal to the Democrats that he proposed tonight).

Obviously, no true-blooded fiscal conservative is going to love these things, but would they be grounds for a primary challenge if he’d hired Curt Pringle instead of Susan Kennedy?

(And by the way, I’m still waiting for the name of a plausible challenger who can make more of an impact as Ron Unz against Pete Wilson.)

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not taking… Read More

Missing in Action, Action, Action

Some things not said in the State of the State:

1) Not a word of comfort for the folks digging out from the floods — or thanks to those who serve the public so well through such crises (I’m thinking, in particular, about a state trooper who lost his life after getting struck by a car while offering roadside assistance to a stranded motorist — now THAT’S public service.)

2) Not a word for the Californians serving abroad, who put their lives on the line so we can have silly debates about spending increases being spending cuts.

3) No “gallery heroes” singled out (actually, that was a relief).

4) Is pension reform officially a non-issue? Talk about a ticking time-bomb.

5) Speaking of hidden dangers, nothing about homeland security. He could’ve put the screws to the Bush Administration for more money for port security — while nailing Washington for shortchanging us on Medicaid. Whatever happened to the “Collectinator”?… Read More

More, More, More

Some observations on the Governor’s State of the State speech:

The Governor said we need, "More, more, more." Those are three of the scariest words any elected official with the ability to spend our tax dollars can string together.

He compared California’s economy to China’s suggesting we could be more like them. He failed to mention anything about their pesky communist system of government.

He said to, "Think of California as a mutual fund." If CA was truly a publicly traded company, even I would encourage Elliot Spitzer to investigate that stock.

Note to Assemblyman Chuck DeVore: I noticed you not clapping at the Governor’s new proposal for $70 million dollar in bonded indebtedness. Way to stand your ground. I hope you didn’t eat the little spinach hors devours at the reception out of protest too.

Watch out. The Governor wants space to house another 83,000 criminals in prison. I am not sure who he has in mind for taking up residency, but my advise is to lay low, avoid eye contact and pay your taxes on time.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

First Blush Analysis on State of the State Address

The State of the State Address is just about over, and so now is a chance to share some initial thoughts. There are other places to get the gist of the policy proposals in the Governor’s speech, although for your perusal I am attaching a summary (though it was prepared byproponents of the proposals, so take that into account when reading it). The way the system works is that the print and televised media have a briefing from the Governor’s staff hours before the actual speech. There is a practice called "embargoing" where the media folks understand that theyRead More

Jon Fleischman

Live from the State of the State

Well, almost at the State of the State. From a big tent outside on the capitol lawn. But you need a cool pin and have to be on a list to get in here. So, I feel important.

The Governor started his remarks by apologizing to Californians for the special election. Almost as if to say that what he was trying to achieve it wrong. I maintain that he absolutely did the right thing with the special election. It was the overwhelming dollars spent by the unions that caused the measures to fair.

Well, it isn’t too practical to blog throughout this speech (I will post mid-speech again if there is anything worth blogging). When it is over, I will post a longer message.

Jon… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Schwarzenegger And Toll Roads: Will Bobby Shriver Have Veto Power?

That’s right — I’m blogging about the 241 tollroad extension again. But it’s important to Orange County, and it also relates to the ideologically schizophrenic nature of the Schwarzenegger Administration.

According to the today’s Los Angeles Times, building toll roads will be a major component of the Governor proposed infrastructure package:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose today adding special toll lanes — some exclusively for trucks — to California’s most congested freeways, and speeding their construction by easing environmental reviews.

That’s interesting, because the Governor’s brother-in-law Bobby Shriver has been using his position as a member of the State Park and Recreation Commission to campaign to stop the extension of the SR-241 toll road through South Orange County to link up with the I-5 (see my previous posts on this topic… Read More