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Mike Spence

UCLA is ACLU scrambled

Conservative UCLAstudents used to say that UCLA is just ACLU scrambled.

I have to confess that I love UCLA. I enjoyed my years there. I was in student government there. I met FR Publisher Jon Fleischman, who while not a UCLA student came to campaign for me. I wrote a column for the Daily Bruinthat had someone spell check and editit for me. It was great.

I actuallyliked the Rose Bowl outcome.

However, I remember walking into the first day of a history class and having the Professor tell us he would approach this history class from a Marxist perspective. And believe it or not I was happy!Why? At least, I had an honest professor.Needless to say, many times you would find out too late that the Professor you had tolerated hate towards America andwas intolerant tostudents that didn’t hate America.

Andrew Jones from the Bruin Alumni Associationanother UCLA grad has launched a web site called I do need to disclose that he asked me to be on the advisory boardalong with much more worthy… Read More

Miller Time

I have Miller on the brain these days. For starters Miller is the name of our new son. For all of you that have e-mailed me asking if I named him after my favorite beer the answer is NO !! If I did he would be named Coors Lite Paule.

The Miller I am thinking of today is Jeff Miller, Mayor of Corona. He is the leading candidate to be the new Chairman of the Riverside Republican Party. The current Chair, Kevin Jeffries, is stepping down due to the fact that he is running for the 66th Assembly District.

The two candidates in the race to replace Jeffries are Miller (who I as a voting member of the Riverside Republican Central Committee am supporting) and Bette Myers, a long time Republican activist and Federation of Republican Women member from the Coachella Valley.

Jeff Miller brings many things to the table that will make him a great Chairman. As Mayor of a major and growing city in Riverside County he has an established donor base of many of the large builders and developers that he can hopefully encourage to continue to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Big GOP Donor Mark Johnson on Susan Kennedy: “The enemy in our midst.”

A recent post by businessman and major Republican donor Mark Chapin Johnson over at the California Campaigns blog underscores my concern that I laid out in my post below responding to Dan Schnur, about the impact of the Governor’s shift-to-the center. Mark Johson was one of the original three co-founders of the New Majority, the state’s (and perhaps the nation’s) preeminent Republican political action committee that self-describes itself as moderate. They boast that their organization and members donated millions to Schwarzenegger his ballot causes. Johnson is no longer a part of the New Majority, but his political philanthropy has continued with much generosity. Over the past few years, Mark and I have struck up a friendship as we have found an important quality for each of us – the other is willing to listen to us rant when we’re wound up, and we also share some common friends. That said, Mark is one of the only people I know who actually IS fiscally… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor and son in minor accident – Gov. needs 12 stitches.

Apparently earlier today, Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son were riding on a Harley Motorcycle (his son was in the side-car) when they were in a minor accident. "The governor was unable to avoid the vehicle in his path and collided with it at a low speed," said the Governor’s spokesperson.

Both he and his son were taken to a Santa Monica hospital where they were treated for minor injuries – the Governor requiring a dozen stiches. Fortunately the driver of the other vehicle was aok.

Thank goodness that everyone is safe!Read More

Mike Spence

Two Los Angeles Area Papers on Arnold

Two interesting columns in today’s LA papers on the Governor’s new direction. One is from the Los Angeles Times and columnist Steve Lopez. He expressed concern over CRA members health during the State of the State. I emailed him that we are all accounted for. His column can be found hereor from the link on FlashReport.

The other is from the editorial pages of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune (also usually the same as the Pasadena Star-News and the Whittier Daily News.)These newspapers are sometimes overlooked, but reach the millions of people in the San Gabriel Valley. Here is their editorial "Cooperate Doesn’t mean Cozy"Read More

Defending Rev. Lou Sheldon

I too have a history with Rev. Sheldon. I have known the Reverend for more than a decade. I do not agree with him all the time and I certainly do not agree with some of his tactics. But it is very important to be clear, no one is accusing Rev. Sheldon of any improprieties and if they did, they would find none.

Today it is more politically correct to bash Abramoff and anyone he stood on line with at the grocery store let along gave a contribution to, than to give a college scholarship to a one-legged, lesbian illegal alien. So I understand my colleagues desire to pile on. But I caution that but for our tendency to focus our businesses in California rather than DC or the fact that some of us (not I) choose do politics for Sen. McCain rather than Rep. Delay, we could have some of the Abramoff stink on us too.

My point is, attack the good Reverend all you want. But don’t confuse something you don’t like with something that is off the charts illegal. [Publisher’s note: Adam brings up a goodRead More

I didn’t spill the coffee

I read the Debra Saunders column today on the Rev. Lou Sheldon and did not exactly spill my coffee (much needed with a one week old baby in the house) that the Rev Lou would be playing both sides of the gaming issue or that his name has joined the growing Abramoff-Gate. Like fellow BLOGer Matt Cunningham and our publisher Mr. Fleischman, I too was there in 1998 when the esteemed and honorable Rev. Sheldon needed a small contribution from candidate Darrell Issa in order to assure that Traditional Values Coalition and God would be on our side. As reported Issa passed on the offer. Shaking down political campaigns by religious organizations is not new or a crime, but it does leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

I also read with interest this week that former Representative Randy "Crook" Cunningham wore a wire for the FBI. Desperate people do desperate things, but I am sure that being a crooked politician and assisting the FBI is not going to make him real popular in the next gated community that he will call home. My advice to him would be not to play on the prison softball team, batting could be… Read More

Dan Schnur

Lou Sheldon, Jack Abramoff, and Us

I share Jon Fleischman’s disappointment over the Traditional Values Coalition and its role in the Abramoff sleazefest. But I’m a lot more worried than he is, not because the TVC’s activities have been outside the norm of acceptable political behavior, but because in modern-day Washington, they are the norm. In the national news media, Reverend Lou Sheldon’s role in this ethical circus has received a relatively small amount of attention, because similar behavior has been attributed to conservative activist Ralph Reed, who is alleged to have taken money from Abramoff’s Indian gaming clients to oppose other gambling expansion. Not to slight Reverend Sheldon’s political import, but Reed, who was a major player in the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign and is currently a candidate for Lt. Governor of Georgia, is a major, major player in national Republican politics. He’s also one of the savviest operators in the political arena today, which makes me wonder exactly how broad and… Read More