The First Crack In The Dike?
The GOP rank-and-file response to Gov. Schwarzenegger’s rapid transmogrification from government reformer to The Bondinator — and of course the hiring of Susan Kennedy — has generally been one of sullenness and deflation rather than outright rebellion. Given the alternatives – either a Governor Westly or Governor Angelides — the GOP dike has held despite the pressure Schwarzenegger has been putting on it.
Yesterday, however, the first significant crack appeared in the form of this op-ed by Mike Schroeder, entitled "This Governor Should Be Terminated," published in the conservative heartland of Orange County:
At some point, an elected official’s actions can become so erratic that they call into question his basic competence as a leader. It simply needs to be said. Those who raised serious questions in the beginning as to Gov. Schwarzenegger’s basic competence have been proven right. Gov. Schwarzenegger to date has not shown that… Read More