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Jon Coupal


There is an old expression, “carrying coals to Newcastle,” to describe a useless activity or fool’s errand. Sort of like shipping pineapples to Hawaii or, bringing it closer to home, sending more tax dollars to Sacramento.

The truth is, Sacramento is awash in cash. The Legislature’s budget analyst estimates that this fiscal year will end with $3 billion more than anticipated and, by 2017, state reserves may even top $11 billion.

For the political ruling class, this is an embarrassment. Last summer, the Governor called a special session of the Legislature in an attempt to secure legislative approval of a new health care tax on managed care organizations (MCOs) because the current tax is about to expire. He also called another special session to deal with transportation funding. In both cases, Republicans in the Legislature are making trouble for those backing new taxes by pointing to the obvious: The state already has plenty of money.

To read the entire column click here:… Read More

Katy Grimes

Gun Control Leftists Also Responsible for San Bernardino Deaths

California’s gun control leftists hold some responsibility for the mounting deaths in Wednesday’s vicious terrorist attack in San Bernardino.

California’s gun laws are some of the strictest in the country, and Gov. Jerry Brown continues to make them even tighter. The bottom line is that citizens aren’t allowed to protect themselves in the Golden State.

The mass shooting took place Wednesday morning in San Bernardino, California at the Inland Regional Center, a facility for developmentally disabled adults, where 14 people were killed and at least 17 injured. Two of the suspects are both Muslim, a husband-and-wife team named Syed Rezwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27. Both were killed by police. Some news reports say there are thought to be more suspects involved.

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Katy Grimes

Legislation Targets Political Enemies

The IRS scandal in the headlines for several years revealed the Internal Revenue Service developed a scheme to prosecute conservatives who publicly oppose President Obama’s policies.

California Gov. Jerry Brown and his legislative Democrats have just accomplished a similar scheme with the passage of a bill targeting two large agriculture businesses, which dared to challenge the illegal stranglehold on Brown’s appointed Agriculture Labor Relations Board by the waning United Farm Workers labor union.

Family owned and operatedFowler Packing Company and Gerawan Farming are targets of Assembly Bill 1513, which unfairly carves-out the two employers who have long been targeted for UFW unionizing efforts, from the limited safe harbor provisions in the recently passed and signed bill.

Both large employers and growers, Fowler Packing grows peaches, nectarines, plums and mandarins, and Gerawan grows nectarines, peaches and grapes.

Wag theRead More

Edward Ring

The Alliance Between Wall Street and Public Unions

“It’s [private equity investments] generating real returns for our members, which is exactly what it’s supposed to do,” said Joe DeAnda, a CalPERS spokesman. “It’s real value that we don’t feel there’s another way to achieve.” – “Are private equity investments worth the risk?,” Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2015

The alliance between government unions and America’s overbuilt financial sector is one of the most unreported stories of our time. It is a story saturated in greed, drowning in delusion, smothered and marginalized by an avalanche of taxpayer funded propaganda. If this story were known and appreciated by the people most victimized by its effects, it would fundamentally shift the political landscape of the nation. The most obvious example of this alliance are the government worker pension systems, Wall Street’s biggest players, controlled by union operatives.

The problem with public sector defined benefit pensions can be boiled down to two cold facts:… Read More

Trump’s comments cross the line

Twenty-Five years ago on June 26, 1990 in the previous century another Republican President George H.W. Bush signed landmark ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, which paved the way by opening doors of opportunities for 40 million disabled Americans access to employment, transportation and other services. It was a glorious sunny day on the White House lawn the 41st President of the United States signed national landmark legislation with those looking over were wheelchair bounded, deaf, blind and other disabled leaders of our Republic.

We, as Americans, pride… Read More

Richard Rider

AFL-CIO study of CEO-worker pay is incredibly flawed — yet universally accepted by MSM

The MSM enthusiastically distributes the annual AFL-CIO study comparing big company CEO pay with all workers — informally the “400 to 1” comparison. But the dishonesty of the labor union report is obvious, breathtaking — and completely ignored. Below is a detailed debunking of this “study.”

Perhaps the biggest “error” (it’s no error!) is the inclusion of part-time workers in the worker average pay. Another factor is that the CEO’s “pay” includes all their benefits, but the compared workers’ pay is only their paycheck — the substantial benefits are ignored. While the union is intentionally vague about what they count as worker pay, it appears that they don’t count overtime wages — even though every CEO in America works way more than 40 hours a week. The report doesn’t compare CEO pay with workers in thesamecompany — such a comparison reduces the disparity significantly. And finally, this is a cherrypicked CEO group — the TOP CEO’s are used to representallthe CEO’s.… Read More

Jon Coupal

Are Voters Starting to Grasp the Debt Crisis?

The former head of the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) has estimated that the national debt is a staggering three times as much as usually publicized. Rather than $18 trillion, the actual number is around $66 trillion.

News reports about government debt at all levels are now more frequent and increasingly alarming. There is little doubt that this is due to the fact that the debt crisis is actually getting worse. But it might also be a reflection of a greater awareness on the part of citizens and the news media that debt is a real danger. For those of us who have been warning about government debt for decades, this greater awareness is long overdue.

Understanding all the ramifications of public debt isn’t easy. As to the magnitude of debt, former California legislator and now congressman Tom McClintock used to refer to “MEGO” numbers (My Eyes Glaze Over) meaning that citizens really can’t be expected to comprehend the vastness of numbers – like $66 trillion – with so many zeros behind them.

To read the entire column click here… Read More

Richard Rider

Imaginary Amazon memo reveals company is in cahoots with CA state legislators

FLASH!!Here’s a super-secret memo (admittedly it’s so secret that I made it up) I imagine I just received from a whistleblower — an internal communique circulating at Amazon:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!We at Amazon have much to be thankful for this Turkey Day.

Speaking of blessings (and turkeys), with the latest California bill proposing to mandate double time wages for anyone “forced” to work on Thanksgiving Day, our useful idiots in the California legislature are laboring hard to further hobble our “brick and mortar” competitors in the Golden State. Driving up their labor costs will result in fewer retail stores open on Thanksgiving and/or higher prices — causing more folks to stay home and turn to the Internet to make purchases for the Holiday Season (don’t say “Christmas”!). Even better, we don’t have to pay our legislator allies a dime in political contributions to get them to stifle our competitors — they are just doing what comes naturally. Yeah, we’llRead More

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