Trash Hauler Gets Jail Time for Bilking City
I just wanted to write a headline like that because it seems more like a plot line from the Soprano’s than an actual news/political law item. (Read it here.) After several years of legal wrangling, former Orange trash hauler Jeffrey Hambarian has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for siphoning $4.3 million out of the City of Orange through shady, and as it turns out illegal, practices. He has also been ordered to pay millions in restitution and fines.
Hambarian was represented by celebrity attorney Mark “Asparagos” Garagos (you have to listen to KFI’s John and Ken to get that reference). I guess we put another “L” next the Garagos’ name for this one. Orange received special counsel representation from Layne Melzer of Rutan & Tucker (this blog author’s law firm).
This is yet one more instance that emphasizes the need of local governments to be vigilant about protecting their coffers (and ultimately the taxpayers’ money) from those… Read More