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So Cal Race for BOE 3

I can’t think of public sector job I would enjoy less than being a member of the Board of Equalization. But for some reason we keep getting candidates for the job that precludes members from earning outside income.

Assemblyman (and former State Senator) Ray Haynes announced today that he has the support of two key Riverside officials Supervisors John Tavaglione and Marion Ashley. Its not a surprise but demonstrates that someone is paying attention to this sleepy position. Haynes is running against Michelle Steel (wife of California Republican Party Immediate Past Chairman Shawn Steel) a successful businesswoman and key Bush fund raiser.

Both candidates recently announced money raised/in the bank, Steel had the advantage. Both say they have lots of slates lines up–which is a big part of BOE campaigns since they cover such a massive number of voters (there are only 4 regions statewide).

Haynes has the advantage of having been in elective office for more than a decade representing a piece of the BOE district and being a prolific published opinion writer/contributor to newspapers in the region. Steel has sizable… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Can The Governor “Just Say No” To His Brother-In-Law?

In a few minutes I am leaving for a tour of the proposed alignment for the 241 tollroad completion. This has become a hot political issue in Orange County — as is the case anytime there is an attempt to build a road where one doesn’t currently exist. Given the environmental crowd’s near-religious reverence for every granule of dirt, I suppose controversy and litigation will always dog plans to improve the lives of taxpaying motorists until they figure out a way to build roads that don’t physically touch the ground.

But I digress.

Tomorrow the Foothil/Eastern Transportation Corridors Agency (F/ETCA) Board of Directors will vote on the proposed route for the 241 completion. The enviros are going beserk because it cuts through a portion of San Onofre State Park.

Never mind that this state park land is leased from Camp Pendleton, and that when the lease was signed it made provision for the completion of the 241 — after all, there are toads and weeds at stake here!

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way. Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams. Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists. Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself.

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and theirRead More

Jon Fleischman

Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way. Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams. Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists. Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself.

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and theirRead More

Mike Spence

“First Impressions” of AG Candidate Pierre Prosper

I had the opportunity to sit down for lunch inPasadenawith a new face in California politics, Attorney General candidate Pierre Prosper.

I do need to point out that have not endorsed a candidate. I’m waiting for the results of the CRA Endorsing Convention and that I respect Prosper’s opponent Sen. Chuck Poochigian very much. But, I wouldn’t pass up this opportunity to see what Prosper was all about.

I won’t recount his entire bio. You can read it story of his family coming from Haiti (clearly a good move) and his rise from LA County Assistant District Attorney to War Crimes prosecutor and Ambassador at his website.

I did ask him about his role in the War on Terror and some of the controversial aspects of the Bush Administration policy. Prosper explained that the Bush Administration took steps based on "first Impressions". Meaning that this kind of war… Read More

Harkey Continues Momentum

The 35th Senate District is set for a Special Election on April 11th. Diane Harkey is moving fast and hard toward a win.

You don’t have to take my word for it, Alicia Robinson is the political reporter at the Daily Pilot, the Newport Beach/Costa Mesa paper. She writes, "But while Dana Point City Councilwoman Diane Harkey has been showing her face at various city council meetings and racking up big-name endorsements, Huntington Beach Assemblyman Tom Harman’s campaign seems to be missing in action."

Harman’s response: "Right now I’d say it’s kind of the lull before the storm," With the election just 13 potentially unlucky weeks away, there is no lull. There is constant motion and non-stop fund raising.

Harkey, a Dana Point city councilwoman and super-successful businesswoman has already ponied up six-figures of her own money and pledged more as needed. She has also been Read More

Willie Brown & Karen Hanretty — Oil & Water

I came across Willie Brown’s podcast website today. The top interview on the site is Willie trading barbs with GOP spinner extraordinaire Karen Hanretty. This is a "must listen" discussion because I’m not sure who has a quicker wit.

Further down the page, Da Mayor conducts another quality interview with John Herrington — the former Secretary of Energy under Ronald Reagan. Herrington was also chairman of the California Republican Party in the early 1990s.

I’m subscribing to this podcast via iTunes — Willie is pure entertainment.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Join me in welcoming a new contributor – Amy Thoma!

Starting today, I am pleased to announce that we are adding a new member of the FlashReport Weblog cast of characters — Amy Thoma — who will be our new Central Coast correspondent!

Amy is currently the Executive Director of the Monterey County GOP, and involved a with a lot of grassroots Republican activities. A graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, Amy will bring a lot to the table.

Her beat will be from Santa Cruz down to Ventura County – a wide swath. Any FR readers are welcome to reach out to her!

We’ll be looking for great, insightful new and analysis from Amy!


Jon… Read More