Success!…SD Office of Ed Finally Posts Info on Vacancy
Forty-two days after Ernie Dronenburg announced he would be resigning from the board of education, two weeks after the board adopted the timeline and process for filling the vacancy, 10 days after I started railing about the lack of info (with Voice of San Diego following the lead), and a mere TWO DAYS before applications are due, someone finally did something.
The County Office of Education has posted to its website the fact that there is a vacancy on the board and applications are due this Friday, giving anyone who sees it plenty of time to jump through the hoops.
This, apparently, is how you define successinabureaucratic world.
Most telling of the County Office’s posted info: The headline, "Hartley is New President of County Board of Education; Applications Now Available to Fill Dronenburg Seat," still takes second fiddle to the now-long-posted main… Read More