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Jon Fleischman

CD 50: A risky but obvious strategy for lobbyist Bilbray

Contested Republican primaries are tricky things. They can be divisive and explosive. Add a mix of 10 GOP candidates and the dynamics get more interesting. Factor into that mix that at least four and maybe more of these candidates will have a lot of resources with which to engage their opponents. A perfect storm? Not yet, add one more element. At a time when scandals, indictments, and a resignation are plaguing the Republicans in Congress, the ‘perfect storm’ I’ve outlined is taking place in the 50th Congressional District, where Randy ‘Duke’ Cunningham plead guilty to taking seven figures in payoffs – resigning his seat in disgrace… waiting for a jail sentence.

At a time when conventional wisdom would be to disassociate with the besieged GOP establishment, there is one candidate for whom that is not an option. Brian Bilbray, one of the leading candidates is not only a former Member of Congress, but is currently a federal lobbyist.

Interestingly, Bilbray’s… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Hey Big Spender…Spend a Little Time With Me!

As Legislative Republicans continue to express their doubts about the Governor’s massive bond proposal, Gov. Schwarzenegger turned to one of the state’s top Democrats for support for his new spending program. Schwarzenegger appeared today with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at an event at Los Angeles’ Union Station, where, according to a Governor’s Office news release, the two men "explained how investing wisely in California’s transportation infrastructure will decrease commute times, speed freight delivery, improve air quality and create jobs, as the state prepares for its projected growth."

What a difference three months and a two-hundred-billion dollar spending package makes. Just last October, Villaraigosa was trashing the governor in the media.

"I’m opposed to all of his initiatives," Villaraigosa told the press.Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

State Of Fear Over The 241 Tollway

Last year, Michael Crichton wrote a novel called State of Fear, in which a fictional environmental organization called the National Environmental Research Fund cyncially stokes fears about global warming in order to sustain it’s fund-raising efforts.

I was reminded of Crichton’s book by this e-mail yesterday from Orange County public affairs consultant Meg Waters:

Matt –

A few weeks ago I was with friends in San Clemente and one of the leaders of the anti toll road group joined us. I told him that I supported the road and had worked with TCA on it. I ribbed him about the wild claims that the road would ruin Trestles beach – because in fact, it willRead More

25 Years Ago Today-My High School Teacher Got It Wrong

In my office I have four pictures that sit on the cabinet behind my desk, one of my wife, one of my new son, one of my dogs and one of me and Ronald Reagan. Being in the political world, I have had the opportunity to have my picture taken with many a public office holder, but I only display one. I also have the Reagan 1980 campaign poster framed on my wall in my office.

Twenty Five years ago today Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the greatest President of the Twentieth Century. I was a senior in high school on January 20th 1981. I remember on that day my social studies teacher, a liberal public school hack, told the class that he expected nuclear war with the Soviets with in two years because of Reagan. ( What a nice thing to tell teens in your classroom ) Instead Reagan ended the Evil Empire without a shot. So much for liberal public school hacks.

In 1996, while I was serving as the Political Director of the California Republican Party a small group of us that worked at the Party had the opportunity to meet President Reagan in his office in Los Angeles. It was one of the last meetings that the President ever did. The meeting was arranged by… Read More

Education as a Commodity

There has been a lot of hub-bub (a legal term, I think) over the UCLA Bruin club that is paying student to record lectures of professors with a leftist-bent. (Read it here.) One issue that seems to be missing from this debate, whether you agree with the concept or not, is whether students have a “consumer protection” right to know what they are getting themselves into.

My good friend Jim Rogan has been quoted in the article linked above as stating that most students take classes full well knowing that their professors are liberals. Fair enough. But what is not expected is that a professor will turn their own political opinion (something they are entitled to) into a basis for making students uncomfortable for expressing their own opinions. After all, the freeflow of ideas that is so important to education runs bothways. Worse yet, students have a right to know if the professor at issue will actually let their political proclivities govern their grading practices.

The idea of taping lectures then is really about… Read More

Duane Dichiara

One toke over the line in San Diego

Excerpts from Thursday’s North County Times Article "Activists Seek Term Limit for Supervisors" by Gig Conaughton:

Angered by county supervisors’ decision to challenge California’s medical marijuana law, and backed by a national marijuana advocacy organization, local activists Wednesday filed letters of intent to start a voter-initiative to impose term limits on supervisors. Medical marijuana proponents say the five county supervisors, all of whom have served at least three consecutive four-year terms, are "out of touch" with voters and that term limits could eliminate the problem.

"These supervisors have been running unopposed, and they (feel) they can do anything they want," said Claudia Little, one of the activists who signed papers at the county Registrar of Voters office. "They’re insulated … and their attitude is just arrogance. We need to stop this dangerous activity of them not listening to their constituents."

County supervisors voted unanimously in December to sue the state to try to overturn California’s 9-year-old, voter-approved medical marijuana law,… Read More

Mike Spence

Pollster Steve Kinney – I’m not confident that the Governor will seek re-election.

This morning meeting of the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club featured pollster Steve Kinney. Steve (pictured to the right) is great pollster and I enjoy and incorporate many of his messages into political. He has worked for liberals and conservatives.

Kinneyshowed through data that California is not the radical left-wing state that the media makes it out to be. Our poll numbers are virtually the same on issues as they are in the rest of the country. There is an exception in illegal immigration. California is more concerned about illegals than the rest of the country.

Kinney also listed several issues that polled high in intensity among Californians. The Governor managed to mention only one of them in his State of the State speech (sex offenders).

Kinney also pointed out that the Governor didn’t do well amongGOP votersin the special election. I’m sure more debt and fees should do the trick.

In response to a question, Kinney… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ronald Reagan – 25 years ago today.

Today is the 25th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address. Below is the text of that speech. Reading it is a great way to honor the memory of a truly great man, and a great President:

Inaugural Address West Front of the U.S. Capitol January 20, 1981 This speech was delivered to the nation when President Reagan was inaugurated to his first term of office. Read More