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Jon Fleischman

OCBlog: Alby named to RNC Convention Selection Committee

How would you like to sign up to be wined and dined by host committees across the country, anxious to have a shot at attracting the 2008 Republican National Convention to their city? Fluffy pillows, champagne, rare vintage wines, sumptuous meals (like the one pictured) are sure to be had by the nine lucky members of the RNC’s 2008 Site Selection Committee.

Wining, dining, and resorting on behalf of Republicans from the Western States will be none other than California’s National Committeewoman, Barbara Alby. Formerly a member of the State Assembly, Alby is now Chief of Staff to Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard.

Actually, for this upcoming convention, this committee will actually have more of a role to play than four years ago. For the 2004 convention in New York, the selection was more or less made by the incumbent… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Enviro Opposition To Completing 241 Tollway “Shatters” Their Credibility

"Feasible non-toll-road alternatives exist," said Michael Fitts, an attorney for the Endangered Habitats League. "Our results shatter the TCA’s numbers." Los Angeles Times, January 13, 2006

What is this shattering study of which enviro-ttorney Fitts speaks? It is a study "commissioned by the coalition made up of the California State Parks Foundation, Endangered Habitats League, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club and Surfrider Foundation" to analyze "the option of widening Interstate-5 and arterials as an alternative to the Orange County Transportation Corridor Agency’s proposed toll road."

This fabled studyRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

San Bernardino Supe Survives Recall Attempt

First-term San Bernardino County Supervisor Josie Gonzales of Fontana has apparently survived an attempted recall. Recall proponents reportedly are conceding defeat, having failed to gather enough valid signatures to force a recall election. The deadline for signatures is today at 5 p.m. Recall proponents were angered by the Fifth District Supervisor’s efforts to establish redevelopment areas in the unincorporated communities of Bloomington and Muscoy in the Rialto and San Bernardino areas, respectively.

Although she is the sole Democrat on the five-member Board of Supervisors, Gonzales is a business owner and a conservative who votes with the majority of the board much of the time. She defeated former Assemblyman John Longville, D-Rialto, in the November 2004 general election. Gonzales replaced Jerry Eaves, a former Democrat Assemblymember who resigned the seat to avoid further prosecution for gift-reporting violations.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

San Diego County Polling

Some of the results of the Survey of San Diego County Voters conducted for the Marijuana Policy Project (January 3-4, 2006 500 likely voters +/- 4.38) conducted by Evans/McDonough. These are numbers for Supervisors in their own districts, not countywide:

Supervisor Cox (R): Strong Fav 13/Somewhat Fav 23/Somewhat Unfav 10/Strong Unfav 2/No Opinion 20/Never Heard 32

Supervisor Jacob (R): Strong Fav 26/Somewhat Fav 32/Somewhat Unfav 7/Strong Unfav 5/No Opinion 15/Never Heard 15

Supervisor Slater (R): Strong Fav 5/Somewhat Fav 22/Somewhat Unfav 10/Strong Unfav 6/No Opinion 24/Never Heard 34

Supervisor Roberts (R): Strong Fav 15/Somewhat Fav 28/Somewhat Unfav 24/Strong Unfav 10/No Opinion 18/Never Heard 4

Supervisor Horn (R): Strong Fav 11/Somewhat Fav 35/Somewhat Unfav 15/Strong Unfav 4/No Opinion 19/Never Heard 16

PLEASE NOTE: the number of voters surveyed in each Supervisorial District was 100, which increases the +/- considerably. The poll as a whole comes close to other polling I’ve seen recently, though. Term limits countywide came in 84% for 13% against, which should make folks in Sacramento who want to fix the term limit… Read More

In a campaign, know your strengths and weaknesses

Helen Seliverstov over at today talks about a book by Jim Collins in which he identifies the qualities of leadership that brings success.

Helen’s commentary includes some important words. Basically to know your strengths and weaknesses and to always believe in your ability to win. The power of positive thinking aside, as a research consultant I preach the former–know how your negatives play with the voters just as much as how your opponents negative impact him or her.

I cannot stress this point enough. To often candidates and sometimes consultants are timid about asking poll questions that might "reveal" a black mark on the candidate’s past. They fear that among the several hundred voters surveyed one or several will hear the question about a tax lien or lawsuit and pass it along to the opposition.

The fact is, if your opponent has any kind of campaign, they will have already done there own oppositionRead More

City of Salinas Shakeup

The City of Salinas received national attention last year for its decision to close municipal libraries due to a shortage in city funding and the subsequent “Measure V” campaign which raised the city’s sales tax half a cent. National figures and celebrities such as Hector Elizondo, George Lopez and others donated to the “Rally Salinas” campaign which raised over $500,000 in private funds to keep the libraries open until a public solution could be found. Mayor Anna Caballero received much of the credit for spearheading this effort and for “saving” the City of Salinas libraries.

A few weeks ago Mayor Caballero declared her intention to run for AD 28 setting up an interesting primary showdown with Watsonville Mayor Ana Ventura Phares. Although Caballero is well liked and has incredible name ID within the district, Ventura Phares has picked up some heavy endorsements including the UFW and a ton of Sacramento legislators including Cindy Montanez, Jackie Goldberg and Jenny Oropeza. … Read More

PG&E and SMUD Locked in a Power Struggle

The biggest regional issue for Sacramento area voters this year will be whether or not the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) will be able to annex portions of Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) territory in Yolo county.

For more than a year the fight has been intense — SMUD went on the offensive early and received support from almost all the local elected officials in Yolo County. SMUD was really running up the score in Yolo County and it looked like annexation was a sure bet, but PG&E wisely changed the playing field.

PG&E countered with a petition asking SMUD to give Sacramento County voters the ability to vote on the annexation (last week the SMUD Board agreed). PG&E is hoping that Sacramento County voters (who currently enjoy the second lowest utility bills in the state) will reject an expansion into the Yolo cities of Davis, West Sacramento and Woodland out of fear that it will increase their monthly utility bills.

You can bet the farm that PG&E will spend what it takes to defend its service territory. They have defeated 2 similar measures in San Francisco by overwhelming their… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Why Is Santa Ana’s Mayor Meeting With The New Fidel Castro?

Miguel Pulido, the boyish Democratic mayor of Santa Ana, has some ‘splainin’ to do.

The OC Register’s Martin Wisckol reports that the long-time Santa Ana pol was down in Bolivia meeting with it’s newly-inaugurated president Evo Morales — a buddy of anti-American Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez..

Morales styles himself as the new Fidel Castro and has repeatedly vowed to become America’s "worst nightmare."

You can read more about Morales’ "new leftist agenda" in today’s Contra Costa Times.


One of Buzz’s reliable tipsters suggested we catch up on our Latin American newspaper reading, starting with Bolivia’s Los Tiempos. In the Nov. 30 edition, we found an attention-getting article, "Evo se reunió con alcaldeRead More