Packard Joins 74th Race
The word is that today there will be some kind of major announcement in a local SD assembly race. Trying to pin it down, I’ve been asking around,"This isn’t the stale Packard thing, is it?" If it turns out to be a cataclysmic story, I’ll post it later.
In the meantime, speaking of Scott Packard, former Vista councilmember and son of the former congressman, apparently he has jumped in the 74th, no surprise there, although the late entry will cause fodder. The North County Times has the story this morning.
But, I simply can’t resist the mention on the SD Politics blog, posted in the wee hours:
Getting To The Party Late
Scott Packard, son offormer Congressman Ron Packard, announced this week that he is joining the race for the 74th Assembly District.
So it’s official. Well, well, well, welcome to the party! Packard has some serious ground to make up. He’ll have few… Read More