Posted by Dan Schnur at 12:00 am on Jan 27, 2006 Comments Off on Lungren is Right About GOP House Elections
I don’t like Dan Lungren and he doesn’t like me. When Lungren
ran for governor in 1998, he ran a self-centered, indulgent
campaign in which he chose to talk about the issues that were
important to him rather than those that mattered most to the
voters. He doesn’t like me, I’m guessing, because of statements
like the one in the previous sentence.
The relationship took a turn for the worse when he ran for
Congress two years ago. On Election Night, the Associated Press
incorrectly reported that one of his opponents had won the
Republican primary. Based on that incorrect information, I provided
analysis for a local television station on why Lungren’s comeback
had been unsuccessful. Despite heroic efforts by his brother Brian
to bridge this gap over the years, my friendly advice would be to
avoid inviting us to the same picnic anytime soon.
But on an issue of critical importance to the Republican Party,
Dan Lungren is exactly correct. By advocating for the entire GOP
leadership to step down and face new elections, Lungren clearly
understands the scope of the problem the GOP faces in dealing with
the lobbying scandals that have… Read More