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Duane Dichiara

A Report From The Secret Fortress

I awoke this morning, having spent an enjoyable evening at the Senate and Assembly Republican Chief of Staff Association January social last night, to find that my planned submission on The Center for Policy Initiatives own Lee Cokorinos’ "Target San Diego: The Right Wing Assault on Urban Democracy and Smart Government" had been stolen by Jon Fleischman. This is my limited, edited version:

Let’s start with this: if the "report" in question was to be sold at the local bookstore, it would probably be found in the Fantasy section. It sounds like Lee googled the names of various center-right organizations then drank a few beers and started drawing lines. He has no basic understanding of how San Diego’s center-right coalition came into being, operates, or finances itself. Hey, Lee, I’m not a prized researcher from the world-class Center for Policy Initiatives, but even I would probably spend at least five or ten minutes going through financial records or interviewing relevant persons. I mean I hate to repeat last weeks critique of another lefty who played free and loose with the facts, but c’mon Lee you could have gotten more… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Sexual Predator Union? Bill Thomas: King of Pork makes…Sausage

SEXUAL PREDATOR UNION? I have been scouring the Secretary of State’s website this morning for the CAPS – California Association of Sexual Predators. You see, the State Assembly Public Safety Committee Democrat majority is showing the kind of lock-step solidarity to opposing Jessica’s Law (GPS tracking of sex offenders, as was as other needed reforms) that is typically shown on bread-and-butter labor issues. Since everyone knows it is the labor unions that keep the Democrats in line, well, doesn’t it make sense that there must be a union for sexual predators? There are several articles on the main page — and a ‘must read’ column from Karen Hanretty on the Democrat Chairman of the Public Safety Committee – San Francisco’s Mark Leno. BILL THOMAS: KING OF PORK MAKES..SAUSAGE Representative Bill Thomas of Bakersfield, otherwise known as the "King of Pork" as he lords over a massive increase in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sexual Predator Union? Bill Thomas: King of Pork makes…Sausage

SEXUAL PREDATOR UNION? I have been scouring the Secretary of State’s website this morning for the CAPS – California Association of Sexual Predators. You see, the State Assembly Public Safety Committee Democrat majority is showing the kind of lock-step solidarity to opposing Jessica’s Law (GPS tracking of sex offenders, as was as other needed reforms) that is typically shown on bread-and-butter labor issues. Since everyone knows it is the labor unions that keep the Democrats in line, well, doesn’t it make sense that there must be a union for sexual predators? There are several articles on the main page — and a ‘must read’ column from Karen Hanretty on the Democrat Chairman of the Public Safety Committee – San Francisco’s Mark Leno. BILL THOMAS: KING OF PORK MAKES..SAUSAGE Representative Bill Thomas of Bakersfield, otherwise known as the "King of Pork" as he lords over a massive increase in… Read More

Barry Jantz

Packard Joins 74th Race

The word is that today there will be some kind of major announcement in a local SD assembly race. Trying to pin it down, I’ve been asking around,"This isn’t the stale Packard thing, is it?" If it turns out to be a cataclysmic story, I’ll post it later.

In the meantime, speaking of Scott Packard, former Vista councilmember and son of the former congressman, apparently he has jumped in the 74th, no surprise there, although the late entry will cause fodder. The North County Times has the story this morning.

But, I simply can’t resist the mention on the SD Politics blog, posted in the wee hours:

Getting To The Party Late

Scott Packard, son offormer Congressman Ron Packard, announced this week that he is joining the race for the 74th Assembly District.

So it’s official. Well, well, well, welcome to the party! Packard has some serious ground to make up. He’ll have fewRead More

Jon Fleischman

Epicenter of the Right Wing Conspiracy: San Diego!

Some things are just too unbelievable to read. Today when I got an email from FR friend Carl DeMaio of the San Diego-based Performance Institute, with a link to an online version of a research paper, I was blown-away with what I read.

Clicking this link took me to a 79 page analysis by some guy named Lee Cokorinos at the website of the Center for Policy Initiatives. To read it, you start to think of that Mel Gibson movie, Conspiracy Theory. Your eyes start to go wide, and you start to look for photographs of black helicopters on each page.

This bizarre look at one left-wing analysts view of conservatism in San Diego is called Target San Diego: The Right Wing Assault on Urban Democracy and Smart Government.

This is their brief discription of their study:

Target San Diego is an analysis of theRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund: Minimum Rage

Multiple "Golden Pen Award Winner" John Fund wrote this for today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal Political Diary e-mail…

Minimum Rage

With even GOP Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California calling for a $1 an hour increase in his state’s minimum wage, political momentum has clearly shifted in favor of the unions pushing similar hikes in other states. About half of Americans live in 17 states where mandatory hourly wages exceed the federal government’s minimum of $5.15 an hour.… Read More

Immigration and Agriculture: The Effect of Reform

Agriculture is a very important part of life and industry on the Central Coast. From the lettuce fields of Salinas to avocado orchards in Ventura County, agriculture is essential to the Central Coast economy.

An article in this morning’s Ventura County Star covered a study on labor and immigration in California agriculture. According to the Ventura County Star, the study was directed by Maxey and Bill Watkins, executive director of the Economic Forecast Project at UC Santa Barbara in cooperation with California Lutheran University. It was commissioned by the Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County and was formally unveiled during a conference today in Oxnard.

The article states, "’As durable as agriculture has been in California, I think there’s a level of threat in the coming decades that isRead More

Jennifer Nelson

Blaming Fast Food Eateries for Society’s Problems

In a typical Bay Area approach to problems, local government officials in Oakland and Contra Costa are blaming fast food restaurants for littering and juvenile obesity.

Oakland‘s City Councilmember Jane Brunner is proposing a new tax on fast food restaurants that are located near schools (read the SF Chronicle story here). Why? She says that they need to pay because they "are making a profit off of students." Gee, how about holding the kids doing the littering accountable for their behavior rather than making it more expensive for local businesses to do business in Oakland?Read More