Stanton’s Protection Racket
Reading Stanton’s new forced home inspection policy reminded me of a protection racket.
On one hand, you have mobsters who inform local merchants that henceforth they’ll be the beneficiaries of protection they neither need nor asked for. Unfortunately, the mobsters tell them, such protection cannot be provided for free, so a fee is imposed to cover the cost of the unsolicited protection.
On the other hand, you have the City of Stanton informing Stanton home sellers and prospective buyers they’ll be the beneficiaries of protection they neither need nor asked for. Unfortunately, such protection cannot be provided for free, so a fee is imposed to cover the cost of the unsolicited protection.
Granted, Stanton inspectors won’t break the legs of recalcitrants who refuse to cough up the dough, but they have the force of government at hand to compel payment. Otherwise, is there any real moral difference between Stanton’s intrusive home inspections and a protection racket?
I’m sure the great majority of FR Blog readers would agree this is a foolish, onerous… Read More