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Jon Fleischman

McClintock by the Numbers – A strong showing

FlashReport friend John Feliz, a senior strategist with the Liuetenant Gubernatorial campaign of State Senator Tom McClintock put together some very interesting numbers that are worth sharing.

At the risk of telling you how this book ends before you read it — Tom McClintock is clearly demonstrating an ability to raise funds, and that his base of support is wide and grass-roots driven. That said, please read this briefing, then applaud Tom for his accomplishments thus far, and then – most importantly – click here to get involved with his campaign!

Here is an excerpt from Capitol Weekly’s digest (by ace CW reporter Shane Goldmacher) today on the down-ticket campaigns for statewide office:

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Jennifer Nelson

How About If IRELAND Gives an Additional 1% of its Budget to the World’s Poor, Bono?

Does this guy (who is an Irish citizen) even pay US taxes?

Bono pushes to increase aid to poor By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer Thursday, February 2, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) – Quoting from Islamic, Jewish and Christian texts, rock star Bono called Thursday for the government to give an additional 1 percent of the federal budget to the world’s poor.

Speaking to President Bush and members of Congress at the National Prayer Breakfast, the U2 front man said it’s unjust to keep… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Big Promises, Little Money

Two years ago today, Mayor Gavin Newsom unveiled a "financial justice" program for the city of San Francisco: the Working Families Tax Credit. Modeled after the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), San Francisco’s WFTC was designed to give working poor people several hundred dollars in additional income per year. (The federal EITC is a program which effectively gives cash grants to working poor people. Although it was designed to help offset taxes for the working poor, it has morphed into a federal welfare program, giving more money back than some people actually paid in taxes.) At the time the program was announced, Newsom said he believed the WFTC would stimulate the local economy and "reduce tax inequity by providing… Read More

Barry Jantz

Candidates for SD County Board of Ed Vacancy

UPDATE: See my analysis of the selection here.

Here is a first blush at those applying by last Friday’s deadline, as well as any web links I can find for them in a very cursory look (party registration in parentheses)….

Eric Kangas, a teacherof 37 years (unknown).

Vickie Butcher, a several-time candidate for El Cajon City Council and former member of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, appointed by Gray Davis (Democrat).

Pamela Choice…can’t find anything on her, although she may be a good Choice…do I see a campaign slogan here? (unknown).

John Johnson…way too many JJs on Google (unknown).

Marilyn Kistler…a doctor (Ph.D perhaps?) and a campaign chairperson forthe… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

John and Ken’s ‘Jessica’s Law Drive-By’ Today; Initiative Likely to Qualify

John and Ken’s radio juggernaut will feature a live,on-location Jessica’s Law ‘Drive-By Signature show’ in Riverside today from 3 to 7 p.m. San Bernardino County Supervisor Gary Ovitt,a statewide co-sponsor of theJessica’s Law initiative,will be one of the show’sfeatured guests. The event will be held at Q-Bonkers Billiards, 9364 Magnolia Avenue. That’s where David Allyn Dokich was caught violating his parole. On their top-rated AM-640 talk show, John and Ken have pointed to Dokich, a convicted sex offender who was paroled to Riverside County, as an example of why California’s laws protecting citizens from sexually violent predators need to be strengthened. These pages have featured considerable coverage of late regarding the Legislature’s failure to pass Jessica’s Law through the normal legislative process. Today’s event is hoped by the sponsors to put the related Jessica’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Putnam overwhelms his opponents for #5 House Post, including our own Darrell Issa

In the race for House Leader, two of the three candidates running already were in leadership posts. Roy Blunt was the current #3 in the leadership team as Majority Whip, and John Shadegg was serving in the #5 post as Republican Conference Chairman. Shadegg, believing strongly that you should leave one office if seeking another, vacated the #5 spot, while Blunt held onto his spot.

The vacancy in the Policy Committee Chairmanship (which was held by Californian Chris Cox before he was confirmed as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and then Shadegg took over for him) meant a race for a second "open" leadership spot.

A number of candidates got into the race, but for the purposes of informing FR readers, one of the candidates was California Republican Darrell Issa (pictured to the right), of northern San Diego County. The ultimate winner in the final ballot was a Florida Congressman, Adam Putnam, who by… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Boehner’s Committee Could Go to McKeon

John Boehner’s ascent to Majority Leader could mean San Bernardino County gets a third House Chairman: Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (pictured right).This would be in addition to Rules Chairman David Dreier and Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis.

Boehner is the current chairman of the Education and Workforce Committee. The post would have come up in ’07 or ’08, but is now open. The current Vice Chair of Education is Tom Petri of Wisconsin, who is the Ranking Member of Transportation and Infrastructure, and who is in line to take over that committee in the next Congress. The Education and Workforce Committee is important because it oversees the Department of Education and the Department of Labor. It will continue to be a key committee because, among other reasons, it will have oversight over "No Child Left Behind" when provisions kick in during 2008 possibly resultingin takeover of failing schools by states, charter schools, or ultimately the federal… Read More

A Political Operative Who Knows He Delivered

The Washington Post has an excellent story on how the Republicans outmaneuvered the Democrats on the Alito nomination.

Steve Schmidt, Governor Schwarzenegger’s new campaign director, was the quarterback for the nomination and the piece provides some great insight for what the California Republican Party can expect when he gets on the ground this week. Here are the takeaway quotes about Schmidt’s style:

"An intense and single-minded advocate for the administration, Schmidt, 35, is considered an operative in the mold of the late Lee Atwater — kinetic and relentless. Conservative activists love him, privately referring to him as "The Bullet" for his swift and accurate aim at the target. Ultimately, Schmidt would put in place a tight organizational structure and bring every tool at his disposal to the fight — technology, the media, conservative special-interest groups,Read More