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Jon Fleischman

Chron features the FlashReport – Highlights from the News

FR FEATURED IN THE CHRONICLE Yesterday, San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci penned a very flattering piece on this website, which appeared on the front page of the second section of the paper! It is a great read, and a lot of folks say some very flattering things. Please take an opportunity to check it out! (This photo to the right is me working on this site – a photographer came to my home in the early hours of last Wednesday morning!)

MARK LENO: PRO-CRIMINAL Today’s lead feature column in the FR is an eye-opening piece from Assemblyman Todd Spitzer (pictured toRead More

Arena Politics — Sacramento Style

A new arena for the Kings has been the top issue in the Sacramento region for the better part of two years.

There is no desire from the community to have an arena funded with any taxpayer dollars, Sacramento doesn’t have the corporate base to fund the building of a new arena and Mayor Fargo along with the City’s leadership are so backwater that they couldn’t cut a deal if it was handed to them — which it was 6 months ago.

Some large land owners were asking the city to expedite the entitlements on property that is sure to be developed in the future. In exchange, the property owners would put up money from the profits to build a new arena at a to-be-determined location.

The city’s leadership failed to bring the parties together quickly enough, so a couple of land owners backed out of the deal at the last minute.

My crystal ball shows that it is extremely unlikely that an arena deal will get done in… Read More

Nice Job Steve

I really don’t know Steve Frank very well, but one thing that’s always struck me is that Steve has the guts to question authority. He may not know it, but my sense is that he from the Bronx is not that much different than me from Michigan. Below is his latest tidbit of the week that I think is worth thinking about. Nice work Steve….here is a reprint of what Steve asked each of us aloud.


Polls in January mean little in November. The real issue is whether the Democrats now "approving" of Arnold, will stay with him, or as they usually do, return home to the Democrat Party. Can Arnold energize the Republican base when even the GOP’ers in the Assembly don’t want Obligation Bonds and more debt. Except for the first couple of weeks after the Kennedy appointment, no public words from Senator Jim Brulte or Governor Pete Wilson in support of theRead More

Welcome To The Machine

I had the opportunity to meet Mike Spence in person for the second time and he’s nothing like what I expected. Really smart, thoughtful, and friendly as can be. Not the right wing ogre I’ve read about in the papers. Because I’m not an activist, I understand why I may never be viewed as a part of the movement Mike (and others) lead, but I continually find myself agreeing with his posts. (ok enough with the sucking up baldie) His thoughts on inter party wars past contained in his post the other day and his references to “McCarthy” and “machines” resulted in a change to the direction of this piece…one I’ve been futzing with for days now.

At the outset the piece was to be called Should I Stay or Should I Go?,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Chronicle profiles the FlashReport!

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, political writer Carla Marinucci has penned a feature story about the rise of conservative web sites in California politics, and spends a large portion of the article on the FlashReport. While I published the FR as a e-newsletter for years, the last four months that we have been online have really seen a surge in our readership and role in the process. I want to encourage all FR readers to check out Marinucci’s piece, which begins below.

This article coming out is a great time to thank some important folks without whom this all would not be happenned: First and foremost I want to thank our site contributors on the Weblog — this is a dedicated group of connected California politicos who DONATE their time to keep you all ‘in the loop’ in every corner of the state, in our state and federal capitols. I would also like to thank the dozens of prominent folks who pen the great columns that you read featured on this site. I’d like to give a ‘shout out’ to my development team at Cloudspace, for working diligently with me to custom-design the FlashReport.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chronicle profiles the FlashReport!

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, political writer Carla Marinucci has penned a feature story about the rise of conservative web sites in California politics, and spends a large portion of the article on the FlashReport. While I published the FR as a e-newsletter for years, the last four months that we have been online have really seen a surge in our readership and role in the process. I want to encourage all FR readers to check out Marinucci’s piece, which begins below.

This article coming out is a great time to thank some important folks without whom this all would not be happenned: First and foremost I want to thank our site contributors on the Weblog — this is a dedicated group of connected California politicos who DONATE their time to keep you all ‘in the loop’ in every corner of the state, in our state and federal capitols. I would also like to thank the dozens of prominent folks who pen the great columns that you read featured on this site. I’d like to give a ‘shout out’ to my development team at Cloudspace, for working diligently with me to custom-design the FlashReport.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Governor’s “Rising” Poll Numbers

I’ve been out of commission for a couple of weeks and just now catching up with the news. Last week’s PPIC poll has some in our State wondering if the Governor’s post special election strategy is working, as his approval ratings are inching back up from the lows of last fall.

The answer is: no.

Anecdotally, which is one way of gaining a feel for political winds in the air, we know the Governor has depressed his base horridly, and the chances of recovery are slim to none. This is based on email I receive, conversations in restaurants and social functions, and with my small business peers. Without exception these encounters have been pretty much the same. People around here admire his moxy for making a run at reform for the special election, but are disgusted with his State of the Union proposals. “What the hell is he borrowing all this money for?” is a common question.

Another way of looking at poll numbers is through the prism of recent political history and here my analysis is simple – he’s running unopposed at the moment. He’s active, in the news, proposing policies and there are pictures of him… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Costigan Leaving Gov’s Staff – Rumored to be headed for Ameriquest

A while back, rumors were circulating (though not on this website) about the imminent departure of the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Affairs, Richard Costigan. Costigan (pictured to the left with the Governor), a solid Republican who formerly was a legislative go-to guy for the California Chamber of Commerce, has been Arnold’s point man with legislators since his rise to office in the 2003 special election.

The rumors of his departure have returned in ‘full force’ the last couple of days, enough so that, this go-around, it is getting a mention right here on the FlashReport.

Word is that Costigan is going to be departing for a job with Ameriquest Mortage Company. Ameriquest, of course, is a juggernaut in this mortgage lending business, and… Read More