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Jon Fleischman

Speaker’s Office responds to allegations of Dem’s bring “Pro-Criminal”

Steve Maviglio, spokesperson for Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, sent this item over to me in response to the Spitzer piece and my commentary today:

There’s a reason the Attorney General, California Police Chiefs Association, and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault supported AB 50 – and strongly opposed the unanimous decision by Assembly Republicans to remove $23 million for GPS surveillance of high-risk sex offenders and SAFE teams to monitor sex offenders.

• The Runner legislation says an offender cannot live within 2000 ft. of a school. It does nothing to stop offenders from trespassing… Read More

Bruce is Boss

This guy Bruce McPherson is not messing around. Refuting the premise that it’s a lousy time to be a Republican, he proves it all wrong.

The reports are in, and while I’m definitely an idiot, I think Bruce out raised the 2 Dems….and of Bowens money…over 100K in personal loans.

So for today….our Bruce is the boss.

McPherson $578,450.06 Ortiz $412,096.06 Bowen $367,936.08… Read More

Santa Cruz Pushes for Government Distributed Marijuana Use

The City of Santa Cruz has filed a lawsuit with a federal court in San Jose asking it to grant the city permission to distribute medical marijuana to patients through its “Office of Compassionate Use.” Although the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that the United States government can prosecute users of medical marijuana, the City of Santa Cruz and the ACLU (yes, I am also shocked that the ACLU is advocating that the government distribute illegal drugs) are pushing an appeal which would force the government to honor Prop 215 which was passed in 1996.

Pot smoking and Santa Cruz go together like peanut butter and jelly (or in Santa Cruz like pot brownies and milk) but I believe the “Office of Compassionate Choice” oversteps what local government is intended to do. I don’t know of any other municipalities in California that have offices with the sole purpose of distributing a particular drug and I believe the tax revenue the office will use could be put to more productive uses such as fixing roads, educating kids or mending the precarious Pajaro river… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Feinstein gives $5,700,000 reasons why her re-election looks strong

Senator Dianne Feinstein has reported $5.7 million cash-on-hand as of the end of last year. In the last reporting period, she raised the better part of a million bucks. Of course, this says nothing for her vast personal wealth.

On the GOP side, conservative former State Senator Dick Mountjoy had not entered the race before the 12/31/05 cut-off. Mountjoy, popular among the GOP right, has a strong grassroots network, but is not known for his fundraising prowess.

If there is a political handicapper anywhere in the country who doesn’t have at least 100-1 odds on a reelect for DiFi, I would be surprised.

It’s too bad, given that Feinstein (despite her lack of ‘stridency’ compared to her colleague, Barbara Boxer) is easily to the left of most California voters.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rexroad’s thought on angst from right for Arnold

I had been meaning to draw the attention of FlashReport readers to a post by FR friend Matt Rexroad over at the Cal-Races website. I thought it an interesting analysis couched in terms of Congressman Richard Pombo’s re-election challenge, but is really Matt’s assessment that those on the right who are attacking the Governor for his recent shift from a "Live Within Our Means" theme to a "Bond it, build it" theme.

Matt’s post begins like this:

As I read the different attacks on the Governor by the conservatives in the Republican Party I am amazed at how short-sighted they are. Nationally, unless something dramatic happens, Republicans are about to take a beating that has been in the worksRead More

Let Cindy Sit

Cindy Sheehan is a publicity seeking fool who has become a tool of the radical lefts propaganda machine. She is a sad figure who suffered a tragic loss and has let her grief become a sideshow for the liberal news media and gray haired flower children of the 60’s. With that said, I don’t think she should have been hauled out of the State of the Union speech by the Capitol Hill Police last night for wearing a tee-shirt with an anti-war slogan on it. She was an invited guest of a Member of Congress, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), and was not a threat to the safety of anyone. I don’t agree with Rep. Woolsey on anything, but I do respect that she is an elected Member of the House of Representatives and who sheoffered to invite to the speech to is a political decision that she will be held accountable for with her constituents.

I would have preferred to have allotted Mrs. Sheehan the opportunity to stay, and show everyone in the world that we do have free and open political debate in this country where the President and one of his most animate opponents can sit in the same chamber. At the very least, they should have… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Speaker yells at Spitzer while waiving the FlashReport in his face! – More!

Yesterday morning, in the State Capitol, Speaker Fabian Nunez (pictured) approached Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, furiously waving a printout of the Assemblyman column which was featured yesterday in the FlashReport…he uttered profanities at Spitzer, telling him he had gone to far. The issue brought to the fore in Spitzer’s column was that the Democratic majority on the Assembly Public Safety Committee, hand picked by Speaker Nunez, is "pro-criminal" – regularly voting down common-sense tough-on-crime measures on a party-line vote. Of course, the Speaker has stacked this committee with some of the most left-wing members of his caucus! This confrontation was a precurser to the Assembly floor session later where the lower house of the legislature was debating the passage of a crime bill package (Assembly Bill 50) that represented a significant watering down of the tough-on-crime elements introduced as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker yells at Spitzer while waiving the FlashReport in his face! – More!

Yesterday morning, in the State Capitol, Speaker Fabian Nunez (pictured) approached Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, furiously waving a printout of the Assemblyman column which was featured yesterday in the FlashReport…he uttered profanities at Spitzer, telling him he had gone to far. The issue brought to the fore in Spitzer’s column was that the Democratic majority on the Assembly Public Safety Committee, hand picked by Speaker Nunez, is "pro-criminal" – regularly voting down common-sense tough-on-crime measures on a party-line vote. Of course, the Speaker has stacked this committee with some of the most left-wing members of his caucus! This confrontation was a precurser to the Assembly floor session later where the lower house of the legislature was debating the passage of a crime bill package (Assembly Bill 50) that represented a significant watering down of the tough-on-crime elements introduced as… Read More