Maldonado in GOP crosshairs for authoring job-killing mandate on employers
Today if you are driving around the sleepy town of San Luis Obispo, you may hear an ad on the radio that concerns you. You’ll hear that one of your local officials, State Senator Abel Maldonado, has introduced a job-killing state mandate to employers, requiring them to raise employee salaries.
You probably would shake your head, since all of the things you have read about your Senator make it sound like this is the last thing he would do.
Nevetheless, Republican Senator Abel Maldonado has introduced legislation to increase the state’s minimum wage by a dollar, and the California Republican Assembly is calling him on it. Starting today, the CRA has purchased radio ads on four stations throughout Maldonado’s sprawling Central Coast District.
How all of this plays out in Maldonado’s bid for State Controller is not certain. But it is certainly controversial to reach over to the platform of the State Democrat Party for a major piece of his … Read More