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Jon Fleischman

New rules for CA’s GOP Presidential Delegates

My commentary today is my article from Capitol Weekly, which you can read here.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Mike Spence

Told you the 38th AD race was over

I previously posted that Cameron Smyth had the 38th Assembly District race all locked up. See it here. The fundraising shows him with over $200,000 and his GOP opponent Mary Barrientos has only $20,000. See the article here. This is a very GOP district and the June Republican primary victor will win.

The best quote about Smyth was fromone of the Democratic challengers Jim Alger.

"I think the fact that he’s well-known makes him vulnerable,"

Good Democratic thinking. We’ll see how thatworks out for you.… Read More

Barry Jantz

50th Congressional Money Synoposis

This culled from a SDUT graphic. I left the smart allecky "fun facts" in, just for…well…fun, even though most of them are lame….

Brian Bilbray Contributions: * $5,420 Money spent: $14,878 Cash on hand: $190,531 (Bilbray started his campaign with $199,334 from his 2000 campaign.) Fun fact: He paid Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler, who considered a run for the seat herself, $2,000 for a poll.

Francine Busby Contributions: $519,606 Money spent: $187,936 Cash on hand: $371,161 Fun fact: After retirees and homemakers, attorney was the most often listed occupation of her contributors.

Richard EarnestContributions: $39,114 Money spent: $38,335 Cash on hand: $200,778 (includes personal loan of $200,000) Fun fact: He paid $5,000 for a polling consultant in December.

Howard Kaloogian Contributions: $170,527 Money spent: $17,418 Cash on hand: $153,108 Fun fact: His first fundraiser with expenses was held in Michigan.

Bill MorrowRead More

Freedom to Ride Except In Riverside

I grew up in an off road motorcycle riding family, thus I know a thing or two about it. In 1971 surf documentary film director extraordinaire Bruce Brown produced the all time motorcycle classic film "On Any Sunday". One of the features of the film was the annual Lake Elsinore Motorcycle Grand Prix. The Grand Prix began in the 1960s and in the early 1970’s Honda even introduced a motorcycle called the Elsinore. The race was shut down in 1973 but was brought back to life in 1996. Lake Elsinore is currently gaining national fame for hosting Extreme Sports. With that in mind, The Lake Elsinore Motorcycle Grand Prix is looking to once again take a national spot light under the leadership of Lake Elsinore Mayor Bob Magee.

So why the history of dirt biking on a political BLOG you say; here is why. The Riverside County Board of Supervisors voted to knock down yet another domino in the fight to keep "private" in the phrase "private property". The BOS recently sent a draft off-highway vehicle (OHV) ordinance back to the Planning Department requesting that "they either ban OHV use in residential areas… Read More

67th AD Update: McGill Surprise

The 67th Assembly District campaign has been pretty sleepy with OC Supervisor Jim Silva as the presumed winner. Diane Harman (wife of sitting Assemblyman Tom Harman) is also in the race as is Cypress city councilman Mike McGill.

The OC Blog reports that McGill was the strongest fund raiser this period. This is a big surprise since Silva is a sitting county supervisor with the ability to raise BIG money, but apparently hasn’t.

Silva does have more than double the cash on hand of either one of his opponents.

Silva has excellent name ID having served on the city council in Huntington Beach (the largest city in the District) and now on the Board of Supervisors for more than 10 years. Diane Harman has never stood for office and I have never seen her at anything GOP in Orange County, she is trading largely on her husbands name. McGill has been on the Cypress council since 1998. He gained some notoriety for voting with the majority to, well I will let Steve Greenhut of the OC Register explain:

(from back in June 2002) On Tuesday night, in aRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Bogh Backs Adams; More on the 59th

Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Russ Bogh (R-Yucaipa) has endorsed Anthony Adams (pictured left) in the 59th Assembly District Republican primary. And by way of further update on the contest for this equally divided L.A. County/San Bernardino County seat, I want to provide some additional thoughts on the heels of Mike Spence’s excellent post yesterday. Read it here. (Mike doesn’t have a dog in this fight. I do — It’s Adams.)

The two candidates with six figures cash-on-hand are Chris Lancaster ($150,000), from LaVerne in L.A. County (pictured right),and Adams ($108,000), from the high desert in San… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker’s Office responds to allegations of Dem’s bring “Pro-Criminal”

Steve Maviglio, spokesperson for Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, sent this item over to me in response to the Spitzer piece and my commentary today:

There’s a reason the Attorney General, California Police Chiefs Association, and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault supported AB 50 – and strongly opposed the unanimous decision by Assembly Republicans to remove $23 million for GPS surveillance of high-risk sex offenders and SAFE teams to monitor sex offenders.

• The Runner legislation says an offender cannot live within 2000 ft. of a school. It does nothing to stop offenders from trespassing… Read More

Bruce is Boss

This guy Bruce McPherson is not messing around. Refuting the premise that it’s a lousy time to be a Republican, he proves it all wrong.

The reports are in, and while I’m definitely an idiot, I think Bruce out raised the 2 Dems….and of Bowens money…over 100K in personal loans.

So for today….our Bruce is the boss.

McPherson $578,450.06 Ortiz $412,096.06 Bowen $367,936.08… Read More