Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Feb 04, 2006 Comments Off on Tran supports Nguyen for his seat? NOT.
The FlashReport started hearing a buzz yesterday that first-term
Assemblyman Van Tran, who is now seeking the
GOP nomination for the 34th State Senate seat being vacated by the
term-limited Democrat Joe Dunn, had endorsed Garden Grove
Councilwoman Janet Nguyen to replace him in the Assembly.
The source of the rumors was a mailing that has gone out from
Nguyen’s campaign inviting people to a February 9th fundraising
event with special guest Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, on which Tran
is listed at the top of the Host Committee.
Knowing how close Van is with both Nguyen and the other GOP
candiate vying for his seat, businessman Jim Righeimer, I put a
call into Van so that I could try to sort this out.
Van told me that, "Both Janet and Jim are friends of mine – long
standing friends. Janet asked me to lend my name to be on the
host committee [for this event] in early January, at least a couple
of weeks before I made my announcement for State Senate, and before
Jim Righeimer had let everyone… Read More