Raising Taxes is NOT the Answer
The City of Salinas passed a sales tax increase in November (Measure V) that was supposed fix the revenue shortage for vital city services. The message of their campaign is that the increase would be the be-all, end-all solution to fund the city including, most famously, the public library system which had been all but closed. An article in this morning’s Monterey Herald stated that the increase will only give the City of Salinas $489 to spend per resident compared to $625 in Watsonville, $692 in Gilroy, and $1,454 in Monterey.
Last year, over $15 million worth of cuts were made to the city budget. Because Measure V funds only amount to approximately $10 million, this means the city can only selectively restore services. Hearings are being held throughout the city by the Measure V Citizen’s Oversight Committee to determine which services are a priority for residents.
Although the tax increase is helping to increase the per resident, baseline funding for the City of S… Read More