Cindy’s Not Running
Time to put the (Code) pink bandwagon back in the garage: anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan just announced that she won’t challenge California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who’s up for re-election this fall.
Sheehan’s logic: running for the Senate is not the most practical way to promote her crusade.
This isn’t a surprise. In fact, it’s typical of the lady’s fuzzy logic: rather than hit the campaign trail and try to win over skeptics in, say, the Central Valley and Inland Empire, she’d rather stay safely insulated in the cozy bubble that is the world of anti-war activists.
Too bad she’s not running. For one, it would have added some comic value to what otherwise appears to be a dreadfully dull race.
And it’d be nice to see if the Sheehan hype machine is more than a media fabrication… Read More