A Liberal Playbook For Victory
Okay, this has nothing to do with State politics, but its a slow newsday, and I feel some pity towards the leftists out there. So here goes.
Advice for Liberals Liberals, I understand your plight. You are out of power in America, and cannot believe it. Your intellectual superiority and moral supremacy make you crazy when you compare yourselves with Neanderthal Republicans. With the GOP making a mess of federal finances and ignoring the crisis on our Southern Border, can you capitalize electorally in 2006 and 2008? I have some advice that might help you. Take heed. Stop it with all the hate, rage and anger. Remember, "Hate is not a Family Value". If you do persist in hating, try to hate Al Quaida as much as you hate President Bush. Advocate a balanced federal budget and find a program or two that could be cut. You’ll get Republican votes if you do that. Also, the public doesn’t like taxes that much you might want to soft pedal on that. Adopt a pro –… Read More