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Mike Spence

Kurzner is really out

Poizner cancelled an anti-Phil ad for the CRA news.… Read More

Dr. Phil Is Out

Inside sources have informed me that Dr. Phil Kurzner is abandoning his run for Insurance Commissioner……Developing.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Reform Initiatives Filed in San Diego City

From today’s Voice of San Diego…

Four San Diegans told the City Clerk on Wednesday that they intend to gather the signatures required to place four overlapping measures on the November ballot, similar to the workforce-reform initiatives being championed by Mayor Jerry Sanders.

The group wants voters to decide whether:

— Voters should be required to approve any increase to city workers’ pension benefits.

— City employees should evenly split the cost of their pension benefits with the city.

— The city can allow private businesses to compete over municipal work with city employees.

The four measures overlap each other in language in some cases and one provides the option of excluding public safety workers from a voters-decide-future-benefits proposition.

Sanders is currently asking the City Council to place two measures on the November ballot, one requiring the voters to approve city employee pension enhancements before they’re enacted and the other allowing the competitive bidding of city services. A council committee forwarded the two initiatives to the full council, which will… Read More

Santa Barbara County Shift or Split?

Santa Barbara County is entertaining a proposition from several County Supervisors to move the county seat north where real estate is less expensive and county workers can possibly afford a house. It would also involve selling the county administration builiding in Santa Barbara which is worthmillions of dollars. The possible shift is setting up a cultural battle between wealthy, resort like Santa Barbara and northern, more agricultural Santa Maria and Buelton. More than half of the county’s population lives in the Santa Inez/Santa Maria area, including county workers.Two editorials in the Santa Barbara News Press lay out the pros and cons to moving the county seat.Santa Barbara is also considering splitting the county to form a northern Mission County and a southern Santa Barbara County. The two editorials are below:

Con: Pro:… Read More

Robin Lowe Announces Endorsements

Hemet Mayor Robin Lowe,candidate for the 65th Assembly District,announced a new group of endorsements today. The list is impressive and not surprising given all the local government Boards she sits on. The three major candidates in this race are all members of different City Councils in the 65th. I am looking for one to break out of the pack by using their local bully pulpit to implement conservative policy.

Dave Kelley, Former State Senator Ted Weggeland, Former… Read More

Duane Dichiara


Local city governments throughout San Diego’s alleged Republican North County are on the march… for higher taxes. Last week I wrote about Vista Mayor Morris Vance (registered Republican) and his push to raise sales taxes in his city to pay for a new "community center" which would house (of course) new City Council offices. From the reaction to that post, I’m gathering that there might be some community opposition to former city manager Vance’s scheme. Then two nights ago what did I hear – the Solana Beach City Council talking about an increase to the TOT tax for beach sand preservation and business advertising (in the real world we call that paying off the business community). Something tells me though local hotel owners and their dependant businesses might not like having the highest TOT in San Diego County. These proposals demonstrate what the North County Times has been recently editorializing about: Republican local government does not mean fiscally conservative local government.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

In Defense of Supervisor Jim Silva

I received an e-mail today from OC Young Americans for Freedom, with a PDF attached (you can see it below).

It’s entitled "The Real Silva Bullet" — a play on The Silva Bullet, the campaign missive of the Silva for Assembly campaign. [Full disclosure: I created The Silva Bullet when I was part of Jim Silva’s re-election consulting team back in 1998.]

In any case, the YAF piece questions Supervisor Jim Silva’s conservatism and takes him to task for supporting a $4.50 tax on travelers flying out of John Wayne Airport. It was passed 4-1 in December, with Supervisor Chris Norby casting the lone dissent. The tax will finance a $512 million porject to expand JWA by 68%.

I’m a big fan of YAF, but this piece is obviously a component of Cypress Councilman MikeRead More

Mike Spence

Speaker says Governor’s Bonds are too BIG!

That’s right Fabian thinks Arnold is asking for too much bonding authority. The rest of his comments are absurd of course. More bonds for affordable housing and the like. Jim Sanders of the Bee has it all right here.Read More