Enviros’ Stop the 241 Strategy: Say Anything
First, read this op-ed from Saturday’s Los Angeles Times. It’s by Joel R. Reynolds, who is described as "
…the governor considers how… Read More
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First, read this op-ed from Saturday’s Los Angeles Times. It’s by Joel R. Reynolds, who is described as "
…the governor considers how… Read More
On the San Bernardino County side of the 65th Assembly District, the candidate who seems to be drawing the most local support is Banning Councilwoman Brenda Salas. Although she’s from Riverside County, she’s secured the support of three members of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors: Paul Biane (R), Josie Gonzales (D), and Gary Ovitt (R); aswell as San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos (R), and a host of business, developer, and local-types.
Salas’ consultant, Joe Giardiello, has worked San Bernardino County for a number of years, and has already proven he can listen to advice, in this case that given by fellow FlashReport contributor Phil Paule. The Salas campaign’s walk piece focuses a great deal of attention on her opposition toillegal immigration, which Phil was concerned about, in addition to her work as a regional chair of Jessica’s Law, HJTA membership, and why she joined the Party of Reagan after starting life in the Party of Jefferson — William Jefferson Clinton that is. Salas has a good team and enough money to get her message out.
The presumed frontrunner, San Jacinto Councilman… Read More
As I posted on here last Wednesday, Dr. Phil Kurzner has withdrawn from the race for Insurance Commissioner. I received an email tonight from his campaign chairman Dr. Joel Strom which I posted below.
This leaves us with Steve Poizner as the GOP choice. I too am not happy about the fact that he contributed to the Al Gore recount committee, but he appears to be our candidate. The fact is that no real conservative really wants to run for Insurance Commissioner. True conservatives want to set public policy, and roll back government not be head of a regulatory agency.I have never met Poizner and an looking forward to doing so at the Republican Convention this weekend in San Jose. With all that said, Poizner does bring some positives to the 2006 Election:
1) He advertises on the FlashReport
2) If I can believe his ad, he wants to get un-insured drivers off the road, although he does not elaborate on how is going to do that on his web site
3) He has a solid campaign team of Tim Clark and Mike Richman running the show( both who I assume have auto insurance).
4) He has the support of former… Read More
On Friday, the Governor appointed three new Judges in Los Angeles County. As part of our effort to look a the Governor’s appointments with an eye on the partisan registration, here they are (the original release is here):
Thomas T. Lewis, 56, of Thousand Oaks, has practiced family law as a partner with the law firm of Rehwald, Rameson, Lewis & Glasner since 1984. He was previously an attorney with the law firms of Rehwald, Rameson & Smith from 1980 to 1984 and Freeman & Freeman from 1978 to 1980. Lewis has also served as a judge pro tem for the Los… Read More
The Fresno Bee has started a new blog here which I encourage those reading this column to look at. In its post yesterday, the blog referred to a potential challenge to local Congressman George Radanovich from a presumably wealthy challenger on the Democrat side. I have long opined that Radanovich as well as other California incumbents are safe from Democrat challengers but that taken as a whole, the House may be up for grabs due to inaction on illegal immigration, and profligate spending that would make Democrats blush. But I have never opined that GOP incumbents are safe from strong primary challengers, because many of them are not safe. If a wealthy Republican threw $2 million into a race against any GOP incumbent it would be far more interesting than a race against a Democrat… Read More
RICHARD POMBO: A REAL HERO You never know what you are going to find as you sift through almost 50 websites early each morning – that’s a big part of the fun of putting together the main page of the FlashReport each morning. Will it be a crisis? A scandal? A major piece of breaking news? Well, today I was extremely pleased to see a major profile in the San Diego Union Tribune of one of California’s greatest assets, Congressman Richard Pombo, who hails from the Stockton area. I’ve known Richard Pombo since he was ‘just’ a rancher, with his modest 500 acre spread in Tracy. Pombo is just the kind of politician that you would expect a conservative like me to really like. With the strongest foundations possible — his faith and his great family — Pombo went off to Washington to try and make a difference. His commitment to voters was straight from his conscience and… Read More
RICHARD POMBO: A REAL HERO You never know what you are going to find as you sift through almost 50 websites early each morning – that’s a big part of the fun of putting together the main page of the FlashReport each morning. Will it be a crisis? A scandal? A major piece of breaking news? Well, today I was extremely pleased to see a major profile in the San Diego Union Tribune of one of California’s greatest assets, Congressman Richard Pombo, who hails from the Stockton area. I’ve known Richard Pombo since he was ‘just’ a rancher, with his modest 500 acre spread in Tracy. Pombo is just the kind of politician that you would expect a conservative like me to really like. With the strongest foundations possible — his faith and his great family — Pombo went off to Washington to try and make a difference. His commitment to voters was straight from his conscience and… Read More
Speaking of shooting, not that anyone was, veteran North County consultant Jack Orr fired off this interesting missive to media outlets, entitled "Oceanside: The gang that can’t seem to shoot straight"…
Just when you thought Oceanside politics couldn’t get any goofier, the Mayor and two members of the Oceanside City Council (Wood, Sanchez and Mackin) are proposing a Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Ordinance.
That’s O.K., in principle, but unfortunately the ordinance is inspired by Mayor Jim Wood’s irrational and intense dislike and/or distrust of lobbyists in general, and of me especially. I might add that the Mayor seems to hold the news media in low regard as well. Consider the section of the ordinance which seems to exclude members of the news media:
In addition to excluding public employee labor union lobbyists from registration and reporting requirements, Sec. 16C.6 (b) provides the following so called exclusion for the news media:
"Any newspaper or other periodical of general circulation, book publisher, radio or television station (including… Read More