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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Shame on Duke – 10 years isn’t enough

I am sick to my stomach this morning, reading the stories that detail the actions of former Congressman Duke Cunningham.

When he first resigned as news came out about how he had used his office for personal gain, I made my opinion on this very clear. After all, like so many others, I had walked precincts for Cunningham and gotten to know him. During my many years of being a volunteer leader in conservative and Republican politics, I had always been proud that we had a decorated veteran, and a conservative stalwart like "Duke" in Congress. Anyone involved or interested in public policy or politics needs to read these articles today. It is overwhelming that one person can have combined so much greed with so little ethical standards. We’re talking millions. We’re talking about handwritten memos detailing how much personal take the Congressman would need to award government… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Shame on Duke – 10 years isn’t enough

I am sick to my stomach this morning, reading the stories that detail the actions of former Congressman Duke Cunningham.

When he first resigned as news came out about how he had used his office for personal gain, I made my opinion on this very clear. After all, like so many others, I had walked precincts for Cunningham and gotten to know him. During my many years of being a volunteer leader in conservative and Republican politics, I had always been proud that we had a decorated veteran, and a conservative stalwart like "Duke" in Congress. Anyone involved or interested in public policy or politics needs to read these articles today. It is overwhelming that one person can have combined so much greed with so little ethical standards. We’re talking millions. We’re talking about handwritten memos detailing how much personal take the Congressman would need to award government… Read More

Time to Buy Stock in the Flashreport

California’s opinion leaders are getting more of their information online and from blogs according to a recent survey conducted by Rough & Tumble, Perry Communications Group and Mindshare Interactive Campaigns 73% of the respondents indicated that they are using online media more and 44% indicated that they are watching less television compared with this time last year.

The survey doesn’t explain the methodology — but I believe it was mostly (if not all) online, which inflates the numbers a little. None the less the internet continues to grow as a way to communicate with California’s opinion leaders.

It’s time to buy stock (or at least an advertisement) on the Flashreport.… Read More

Mike Spence

LA DA Steve Cooley speaks about 3 strikes and more.

Steve Cooley is one gutsy guy. This Los Angeles DA took on "Tookie" Williams. (See my previous post here.) And today he took on the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club with some of his thoughts about justice. Several items to report on: He spoke about the progress in implementing Prop. 69 and the DNA testing that require. Cooley was excited about the prospect of solving cold and hot cases with the database being formed. Cooley also talked about his site that has pressured Mexico and the US to do more about killers hiding in Mexico. Cooley also said that despite changes in Workman’s Compensation law it is impossible to “prosecute” a solution to Workman’s Comp Fraud. Thank you legislature. … Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

68th AD Update: Janet Nguyen Picks Up Some Endorsements

The respective pre-filing deadline shows-of-strength by the campaigns of long-time conservative activist Jim Righeimer and Gardne Grove Councilwoman Janet Nguyen continues [full disclosure: I’m supporting Jim].

I just received a press release from the Nguyen campaign announcing endorsements by Assemblywomen Sharon Runner and Audra Strickland.

"Janet’s Story is inspirational. She is a rising star for the Republican Party and for conservatives across the state, and she will make an outstanding member of the Assembly," said Assemblymember Runner."

The contact name on the press release is Kevin Spillane, which answers the question of who her consultant is.

UPDATE: I received this e-mail from Kevin Spillane:

Matt, Saw your item about Janet and her consultants and had to clarify for the record. I am a consultant for … Read More

Jon Fleischman

USMC Veteran Rexroad wouldn’t want Kaloogian in his foxhole…ouch!

Matt Rexroad (pictured to the left) is someone that I hold in high regard. I’ve known Matt for over a decade. His political acumen is pretty sharp. He is a friend. I thought a recent commentary that he wrote was very interesting.

Former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian is one of the ten thousand Republicans vying to replace the disgraced Randy ‘Duke’ Cunningham in Congress. At his firm’s Cal Races website, Rexroad says:

"Howard Kaloogian is annoying. If you meet him you will know what I mean.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Harkey vs. the public purse?

Orange County’s Coastal State Senate 35th District is in the midst of a Special Election. There are two candidates vying for the open seat, vacated when the incumbent, John Campbell, was elected in a special election to Congress.

Since the beginning of the year, the momentum in the race has all been for Dana Point Councilwoman Diane Harkey (you can click her ad on this site to find out more about her). Her opponent, Assemblyman Tom Harmon has been relatively quiet, though presumably his name identification from having represented a good chunk of this district would be pretty high.

Harkey, who is quite affluent herself, has been raising money and putting out mail pieces the old fashioned way – where the campaign produces and mails them out.

Harmon, who has less cash-on-hand is resorting to what is probably legal but a shady practice — pumping out taxpayer-paid-for mail right in the midst of a special election (see the attachment).

I think that this will backfire on Harmon, who can’t campaign as a conservative Republican in a closely-watched primary while using confiscated tax dollars to fund his campaign. California… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jessica’s Law Update: Kurzner out? Arnold: No on Gas Taxes.

JESSICA’ LAW PROPONENTS TURN IN SIGNATURES Consultant and FR Friend released the news today that legilslative dynamic duo George and Sharon Runner today turned in over 600,000 signatures to qualify the tough-on-sexual-predator Jessica’s Law measure for the ballot.

Assemblywoman Runner had this to say:

"California families have waited too long for this day to come. I lookforward to November when Californians will vote to make our neighborhoodssafer for our children and grandchildren. It is unfortunate our Legislature refused to act on Jessica’s Law, but the people have a history of showinggreat aptitude to act when the Legislature refuses good public policy. The yare doing just that by qualifying the Jessica’s Law initiative."