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Lunch with 65th Assembly Candidate Jim Ayres

I recently sat down to lunch with San Jacinto City Councilman and Candidate for the 65th Assembly District Jim Ayres. Jim is a retired career air force veteran. He has long been involved with Republican politics in Riverside County. When you first meet Jim you can tell he is a serious type guy and full of energy. He knows the issues and where he stands on them. But let’s cut to the chase, knowing the issues and have strong convictions are just a starting point when running for the State Assembly. Winning a Republican primary is about communicating to voters and that takes lots of dough-rey-me. For 2005 Jim raised $412K and has a healthy $310K Cash On Hand, which is twice as much as his two other leading competitors in this race, that tells me that he is serious about winning this race.

Here is my interview with Ayres

PAULE: You are a good conservative what do you want to do think you can accomplish the Democratic controlled Legislature?

AYRES: Well I have worked on a city council so I am used to working with folks that I don’t agree with on every issue. However one… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Karen Hanretty welcomes her replacement…

In the post immediately below this one, I talk about the newest hire of the California Republican Party, Patrick Dorinson. Dorinson replaces Karen Hanretty, who did a great job in that difficult post. Here is what she has to say:

"I have a great deal of respect for Patrick Dorinson and consider him a good friend and Republican colleague. I met him on the recall campaign when he came to work in the press office, booking Schwarzenegger on conservative talk radio shows. Almost immediately we forged a bond as only two people who can’t stop ranting about Democrats can forge. Since then, we’ve exchanged countless email and phone calls about how the world is versus how it ought to be. Patrick is always good for advice on a pithy soundbite and has a talent for putting current … Read More

Jon Fleischman

New State GOP Spokesman has odd resume: Clinton and Gore?

FR friend John Howard, the Editor over at Capitol Weekly just shot me an email, apparenly having scooped the MSM and the cyber-core on the newest hire over at the California Republican Party. Apparently the CRP has hired Patrick Dorinson (pictured at the podium in the photo to the right) to fill the very large shoes left behind with the departure of Karen Hanretty, who decided to stand up her own public relations firm. I don’t know Mr. Dorinson – I don’t believe that he or I have ever met. That said, I will tell you that he certainly represents an ‘out of the box’ hire for the State GOP. I have to admit, before going over to Capitol Weekly, I did what so many others do when they are trying to find out something – I "googled" Patrick Dorinson. The third item that came up was some… Read More

Price of Conaway Ranch Is Going Up

Conaway Ranch is a 17,000 acre parcel in Yolo County. It has been held privately for over a century and serves as sanctuary for a vibrant waterfowl habitat. The owners of the land have made it clear numerous times that they are dedicated to preserving the sanctuary but Yolo County wants to take the land using eminent domain to protect it. That’s right, the government wants to take land from private citizens and do nothing different than those citizens.

Add to the mix, the county can’t afford the land, so they struck a deal with a local Indian Tribe (which does have the money because of its casino) to take the property. The price that the county (and tribe) will have to pay will be determined later this year in a jury trial.

Fellow Flashreport blogger Joe Justin was on this story last October with his post — She Takes Sanctuary.

There has been some recent news on the taking of Conaway Ranch that you can bet will drive up the cost of the taking.

Two weeks ago, another water deal in the… Read More

Mike Spence

LA County Judges and the GOP

I have written several times about the Governor’s seemingly inability or I think unwillingness to appoint Republicans to the bench in Los Angeles County. While, LA County is one of the worst in terms of GOP to Dem ratio, the rest of the state isn’t that great either. On Friday the “Republican” Governor appointed three judges to the LA Superior Court. Jon the masterful owner of FR posted about them here. He asked for counts on judges appointed by Arnold. I did have an unofficial count at one time. See it here. An alert FR reader alerted me to the fact I had under counted some of the appointments. Her count is accurate and she had some releases I did not. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP TEAM 2006: ARNOLD & TOM

THE CELEBRITY AND THE IDEOLOGUE Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock are shoo-ins for their respective GOP nominations for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively. Being from the same political party may be the strong tie that bind these two unique individuals, who are very different from one-another. In Schwarzenegger, you have the ‘larger-than-life’ movie star who loves to take on BIG projects and put on a show. He is moderate on social and (apparently) economic issues. He enjoys smoking cigars, and driving his Harley Davidson motorcycle. In McClintock you have much more a policy-wonk. A strong conservative, McClintock will often be the lead voice from the legislature on any move away from the right (which has included, at times, criticism of the Governor – such as his signing the ballot arguments against Proposition 57 & 58).… Read More

Jon Fleischman


THE CELEBRITY AND THE IDEOLOGUE Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock are shoo-ins for their respective GOP nominations for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively. Being from the same political party may be the strong tie that bind these two unique individuals, who are very different from one-another. In Schwarzenegger, you have the ‘larger-than-life’ movie star who loves to take on BIG projects and put on a show. He is moderate on social and (apparently) economic issues. He enjoys smoking cigars, and driving his Harley Davidson motorcycle. In McClintock you have much more a policy-wonk. A strong conservative, McClintock will often be the lead voice from the legislature on any move away from the right (which has included, at times, criticism of the Governor – such as his signing the ballot arguments against Proposition 57 & 58).… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Enviros’ Stop the 241 Strategy: Say Anything

First, read this op-ed from Saturday’s Los Angeles Times. It’s by Joel R. Reynolds, who is described as "a senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council in Los Angeles and director of its urban program."

Only one of two possibilities can explain Mr. Reynold’s outrageously wrong op-ed. Either he hasn’t visited the 241 completion alignment nor educated himself on it’s particulars, in which case his screed is the product of ignorance.

Or, Mr. Reynold’s simply ignored the facts in favor of propaganda, in which case he is a liar.

Neither possibility is good.

Reynold’s op-ed is a case in point of why it is hard to take 241 tollway oppoents in particular, and the professional environmentalist movement in general, seriously.

Let’s consider the Mr. Reynold’s literary coniption in detail:

…the governor considers howRead More