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Money and activism collide the 67th

Republican OC Supervisor Jim Silva is the front-runner in the race for the GOP Nomination in the 67th AD. His consultants are Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Assoc. Cypress City Councilman Mike McGill is also in the race, he does not have a mainstream consultant as far as I can tell but, he is getting a little help from OC-YAF (Young Americans for Freedom).

They have been emailing around "The Real Silva Bullet" a take-off on the Silva campaign’s own Silva Bullet blast fax/email.

The substance of the YAF hits has some merit, they call out Silva for some poor choices he has made over the years. But there is something more than just a few bad policy votes behind this YAF effort.

Brian Park (Mr. OC-YAF himself) is a bitter enemy of Gilliard et al having taken over the management of the Non-Partisan Candidate Evaluation Guide slate from the Gilliard firm within the last couple cycles. McGill has bought onto Park’s book of slates and it seems… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor: It’s time to ‘terminate’ Meathead!

Governor – it’s time to FIRE ROB REINER.

According to FR friend and national talk-show host extraordinaire Hugh Hewitt, uber-leftwing pro-tax Democrat Rob Reiner is one stroke of the Terminator’s pen from being blasted off of the California First Five Commission, where he serves as a hold-over appointee of Gray Davis. Hewitt says that if Governor Schwarzenegger names a new Chairman of this commission, then Reiner is out.

You may not have heard – but there is a growing controversy about the First Five Commission spending boatloads of taxpayer dollars on advertising promoting the importance of pre-school. Note the conflict at Reiner’s tax-the-people-to-pay- for-government-pre-school measure will appear before… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Spotlight: SF Chronicle Politics Blog

The news cycle is no longer measured in days or in hours, but in minutes. It is a natural phenomenon that the Main Stream Media political types would be developing blogs of their own, in order to stay ahead of the curve. Those of us that maintain weblogs outside of the press welcome the entry of our normally paper-bound reporters to the blogging world. We only want to get as much content to our readers as possible and the more places from which we can get it, the better!

There are a number of places where MSM folks are really doing well on the blog scene — last year, I spent a lot of time checking out the San Francisco Chronicle’s 2005 Special Election Blog. Well, they have recently rekindled their political blog, and have put their capable team of political reporters into the mix: Jim Brewer, Zachary Coile, Edward Epstein, Paul Feist, Lynda Gledhill, Carolyn Lochhead, Greg Lucas, Carla Marinucci, Mark Martin, Andy Pollack, Marc Sandalow and JohnRead More

Jon Fleischman

Kaloogian: Pro-life, endorsement or no

It was recently reported that conservative former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian had listed on campaign piece that he had been endorsed by the California Pro-Life Council, when, in fact, he never had the endorsement of that group. I heard from a representative of Kaloogian’s campaign that this was printed in error. In reality, Kaloogian was actually endorsed by Mike Meunsh, Legislative Director for the National Pro-Life Alliance.

Of course, Kaloogian is running with about 500 other Republicans in the primary to see who will replace Duke Cunningham in Congress. Many of the candidates are pro-life — Howard certainly one of them.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Welcome back to work Chairman Cox!

A few weeks ago, I reported that Christopher Cox, Chairman of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, was undergoing surgery. I’m happy to let you know that FR friend Chris Cox today returned to work! Cox, of course, ably represented Orange County in the United States House of Representatives from 1989 until last year when he was tapped by the POTUS for this new role.

Here is the short AP blurb on Cox’s return to work:

Christopher Cox Returns to Work at SEC The Associated PressRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

State Senate Democrats Anti-241 Letter to the Governor: Ignorance Loves Company

It is said that power corrupts, but I’m inclined to think being in power too long also corrupts the capacity to think.

At least, that’s what the attached letter to Governor Schwarzenegger leads me to conclude.

It’s signed by five of the state Senate’s most powerful Democrats: Senate President pro Tempore Don Perata; Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Dunn; Natural Resources Committee Chairwoman Sheila Kuehl; Trasnsportation Committee Chairman Alan Lownethal; and Environmental Quality Committee Chairman Joe Simitain.

It also looks like it was written by NRDC senior attorney Joel Reynolds, employing the same hackneyed combination of apocalyptic rhetoric and divorcement from reality that Reynolds’ infused into his Feb. 18 op-ed in the LA Times.

It amazes me these Senators contend that the long-planned completed of this toll road, fully vetted by a six-year, $17 million EIR, actually… Read More

Liberal Judges Suck

The fact the State of California has postponed indefinitely the execution Michael Morales, who beat a teenage girls face beyond recognition and then raped her, two decades ago, is disgusting. Even though it was a ludicrous Federal Judge that put this latest circus in motion, I hope the Governor’s folks are asking this question when they appoint Democrats to judgeships; Do you support the death penalty and will you pledge not to interfere with its application?… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Jessica’s Law Signatures Are In!

Great news from Jessica’s Law co-sponsors Senator George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner (both pictured center right), who have announcedthat 713,787 signatures were submitted today to election officials throughout the state. Thisvirtually assuresthe ballot-initiative version of Jessica’s Law will go before the state’s voters in November. The campaign needed to collect 373,816 valid signatures to qualify the statutory measure. "This is a historic step in our efforts to protect Californians and especially our children and grandchildren, from sexual predators," said George Runner.

This morning, local Jessica’s Law supporters gathered at the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters’ Office to turn in 63,000 signatures. Below is the text of a release from the Jessica’s Law campaign regarding the San Bernardino signature turn-in.

SAN BERNARDINO — Fourth District Supervisor Gary Ovitt (Jessica’s Law Statewide Co-Chair), AssemblymanRead More