Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Speech – “Safe” but didn’t address GOP concerns
THE DINNER – AND THE GOVERNOR’S SPEECH Republicans, including myself, were really looking forward to last night’s dinner with our Republican Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sometimes, because there is a tendency for differences of opinion to be highlighted more than areas of agreement, there becomes a perception that divisions are bigger than they are. As readers here know, I have my share of differences of opinion with this Governor on a few key public-policy initiatives this year, and a certain personnel decision. That said, I am still a supporter of Arnold Schwarzenegger, feel he has been a good Governor, and am anxious to see him re-elected. It is my desire to see him re-elected that often times ‘animates’ me to be so vocal. The checkers-players out there say, "You aren’t helping the Governor to get re-elected by criticizing him in a public forum" (referring to this website). These folks are only thinking one move ahead. I like to think of myself as… Read More