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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on the CRP Convention

Arnold’s Conservative Understudy

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into a potential lion’s den over the weekend when he spoke at the California Republican Party convention in San Jose. The typically conservative delegates aren’t fans of his plans to borrow a massive $222 billion for infrastructure projects without first reforming contracting rules that dramatically boost construction costs. His plan to raise California’s minimum wage has also fallen flat with conservatives.

But the Governator nonetheless picked up some ground simply by showing up and making a strong pitch that the party should be united for the fall elections. He reminded delegates that he has held the line on taxes and vetoed many bills passed by the Democratic legislature. His efforts were aided by a new alliance with State Senator Tom McClintock, a hard-shell… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

In Re Sherri Bebitch Jeffe

OC Register editorial writer Steve Greenhut posted this yesterday in the OCR’s Orange Punch Blog:

Quotable, but what does Bebitch Jeffe have to say? Newspaper readers interested in state politics surely are familiar with the name Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a USC political science professor. She always is quoted on state politics. Her quotes rarely seem insightful, and they tend to the left, in my humble estimation. They are predictable and banal. So why is she always quoted? I ran a nexis search and found 13 hits in the past week, with one of those hits an op-ed she penned for a newspaper. Well, guess who spent the better part of two days IN the press room at theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Convention Wrap-Up – Request for W&L Nominations

As I begin to write about the California Republican Party Convention that I attended this weekend at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, I should start out by saying that as the week goes by, I (along with many other FR weblog contributors who attended the convention) will be following this piece with other thoughts, observations, stories and vignettes on things that happened in the hallways, backrooms, and hospitality suites at the convention. Of course, the highlight of our review of the CRP convention will come late in the week when the FlashReport releases our latest version of the Winners & Losers of the CRP convention. For the last ten convention (going back five years), the W&L edition of the FR has looked back over the weekend, from just about every imaginable angle, and tried to figure out how people fared, from topics as varied as political elections to personal attire. We really encourage input as we figure this all out, as the FR and our team couldn’t be everywhere, so please submit your ideas here. My first… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Convention Wrap-Up – Request for W&L Nominations

As I begin to write about the California Republican Party Convention that I attended this weekend at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, I should start out by saying that as the week goes by, I (along with many other FR weblog contributors who attended the convention) will be following this piece with other thoughts, observations, stories and vignettes on things that happened in the hallways, backrooms, and hospitality suites at the convention. Of course, the highlight of our review of the CRP convention will come late in the week when the FlashReport releases our latest version of the Winners & Losers of the CRP convention. For the last ten convention (going back five years), the W&L edition of the FR has looked back over the weekend, from just about every imaginable angle, and tried to figure out how people fared, from topics as varied as political elections to personal attire. We really encourage input as we figure this all out, as the FR and our team couldn’t be everywhere, so please submit your ideas here. My first… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: McClintock’s Day – Great FR Panel!

*While only a small fraction of FR readers are here at the State GOP Convention — this is a special request to each of you! For five years now, I’ve been publishing our famous (or infamous) "WINNERS & LOSERS OF THE GOP CONVENTION" column – and we’ll be doing that again later this week. Often times, many of the ‘awardees’ are determined with help from you all — so if you were at some or all of the convention, and would like to suggest a winner or a loser, feel free! All input is taken anonymously, so your friend won’t know you think he is a loser! Join in the fun!* Look for some comprehensive post-GOP convention analysis in the next day or so, but I will pen just a little here. One of the challenges of being a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock’s Day – Great FR Panel!

*While only a small fraction of FR readers are here at the State GOP Convention — this is a special request to each of you! For five years now, I’ve been publishing our famous (or infamous) "WINNERS & LOSERS OF THE GOP CONVENTION" column – and we’ll be doing that again later this week. Often times, many of the ‘awardees’ are determined with help from you all — so if you were at some or all of the convention, and would like to suggest a winner or a loser, feel free! All input is taken anonymously, so your friend won’t know you think he is a loser! Join in the fun!* Look for some comprehensive post-GOP convention analysis in the next day or so, but I will pen just a little here. One of the challenges of being a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

USPS to reissue Reagan Stamp (at 39 cent rate)

Then United States Postal Service as announced that they will be re-issuing the Ronald Reagan postage stamp soon at the new 39 cent rate, so that all good conservatives can put the Gipper on their mail once again!

Of course, any time we mention the 40th President, it is an opportunity to encourage you to read one or more of his major speeches which can be found here.

Here is an excerpt from one of his best, delivered at the 1964 Republican National Convention, entitled, "A Time To Choose"…

We have so many people who can’t see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion that the fat man gotRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

More on the Latest 59th A.D. Candidate

I’m here at the California Republican Party convention in San Jose where I just met Kevan Otto, the most recent candidate to enter the 59th Assembly District primary. The scoop on Otto’s entry into the hotly contested race belonged to FR’s Mike Spence a week ago. But ha, I’m first to get a photo of the guy (see right).

By the way, if you’re at the convention today you can hear more of Mike Spence’s wisdom, along with that of other contributors, at a panel discussion at 4 p.m. (hey, that’s right now…) or at the "Congratulations FlashReport" party hosted by Congressman Darrell Issa later tonight.

Otto is president of the L.A. School Police Association. He’s also served as president of L.A. North PORAC and the state POST advisory committee. A resident of Sierra Madre in the San Gabriel Valley, Otto already has several law enforcement endorsements, even though filing’s still open for the… Read More