Fraud Investigation Requested Over Chula Vista “Bodyguard”
****Exclusive to the FlashReport****
It has all the makings of a municipal soap opera.
A personal bodyguard hired at the behest of Chula Vista Mayor Steve Padilla for a mere $10,000 per month. Allegations against the Mayor of wasting taxpayer money and undue paranoia. Padilla firing the bodyguard, so as "to end complaints from fellow council members and remove the bodyguard issue from the political campaign" (per the Union-Tribune). Bodyguard David Kanter alleging breach of contract and threateninga lawsuit against the city. The City Council reinstating the contract because no termination clause was included to protect Chula Vista’s interests. According to the U-T, "the council’s decision (to reinstate) calls for Kanter’s firm to provide ‘specialized investigative and research services’ to the Chula Vista Police Department and to ‘investigate… Read More