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Schwarzenegger Will Win Re-election

[Editor’s note: Probolsky, a regular contributor to this page, is the president of Probolsky Research, a prominent and respected political polling firm. – Flash] The Governor makes me proud every once in a while. Like a father that cries while spanking his son, it pains me to criticize the Governor when he all to often does something that upsets my conservative, limited government, pro-border security sensibilities.

But today’s Field Poll demonstrates a phenomenon that I have always claimed existed. That is that this governor will always, in the final stretch, win re-election. You can never count him out. He will raise the money he needs and his ability to develop a personal connection with the voters means he will win enough of them over to put him over the top.

Today’s Field Poll release shows the Governor about even with his Dem rivals Angelides… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dowd Memo to Team Arnold

Matthew Dowd, senior strategist for the Schwarzenegger for Governor campaign sent around the attached memo to Team Arnold folks, in which he discusses the current political environment surrounding the Governor’s race, especially with the release of the latest Field Poll data. It’s worth a read. Don’t worry, unlike many of these ‘insider memos’ this one is actually short and to the point.… Read More

Mike Spence

Can Baca be Beat II?

Eons ago I asked if Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca could be beat and promised to revisit the issue. See it here.

Since that time Baca’s run jail system has seen a week worth of riots and now they have spread to the youth facilities. See a sample here.

Baca has never been popular among most Republicans. While he nominally a registered Republican, he supports Democrats all the time, likes grabbing guns and sponsored a tax increase that failed last year.

His administration has bungled more than just the jail riots, there have been escapes and killings of witnesses while in Sheriff custody. There are whispers of corruption and clearly mismanagement is a big issue. Deputies are leaving. The early release progarms is a tragedy. Some LA papers may want Baca gone as well.

Usually, that is bad news for an… Read More

Barry Jantz

Of Medical MJ, Bruce Thompson, County Sup Term Limits & Blind Squirrels

In recent days, Medical Marijuana supporters and former Assemblyman Bruce Thompson have come out in support of term limits for the SD County Board of Supervisors. Although this may seemingly put the conservative Thompson in strange company,it’s pretty clearthere appears to be no connection between the two … other than a shared dislike for incumbent Sups, or perhaps one incumbent Sup … in Thompson’s case.

Thompson’s campaign against Supervisor Bill Horn (pictured here with a mic, not a bong), rich with endorsements but apparently strapped for cash against the Horn war-chest, is simply tossing a needed issue into the public fray that Horn will either have to ignore or be hard pressed to ‘splain his position on.Here’s most of the Thompson release:

Fallbrook – 5th District Supervisor candidate Bruce Thompson formally announced today that as a County Supervisor he would immediately introduce a motion to adopt term limits for theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bilbray the lobbyist…or is he an ‘advocate’? Or a ‘consultant’? Good grief!

Since his forced-retirement from Congress in the ’90s, Brian Bilbray has been a federal lobbyist representing at least seven different clients since 1998 – including the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians, the County of Los Angeles, San Diego Gas & Electric and more. According to the Center for Public Integrity, who publish information on registered lobbyists on the internet, Bilbray took in just over $700,000 in fees from his clients from 1998 to 2004 — last year’s numbers aren’t posted yet. Of these fees, a little over one-third has come from his immigration reform client, which becomes signficant as you read on. defines a lobbyist as a person who solicits members of a legislature for the purpose of influencing legislation. Of course, the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bilbray the lobbyist…or is he an ‘advocate’? Or a ‘consultant’? Good grief!

Since his forced-retirement from Congress in the ’90s, Brian Bilbray has been a federal lobbyist representing at least seven different clients since 1998 – including the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians, the County of Los Angeles, San Diego Gas & Electric and more. According to the Center for Public Integrity, who publish information on registered lobbyists on the internet, Bilbray took in just over $700,000 in fees from his clients from 1998 to 2004 — last year’s numbers aren’t posted yet. Of these fees, a little over one-third has come from his immigration reform client, which becomes signficant as you read on. defines a lobbyist as a person who solicits members of a legislature for the purpose of influencing legislation. Of course, the… Read More

Maldonado, day labor, private planes

State Senator Abel Maldonado is promoting an upcoming fund raiser in Orange County for his race for State Controller. My goal is not to promote the event (promoting upcoming events is discouraged by the FR publisher) but rather to point out what a mockery Maldonado makes of himself and his supporters.

The event chairman for Maldonado’s fund raiser is Bill Ito, president of Ito Farms, Inc. I have nothing against Mr. Ito, mostly because I have never met him. For all I know he has contributed to Tony Stickland (the other GOP candidate vying for the nomination) too.

But being in the farming industry something tells me that Mr. Ito does not pay all employees a living wage. I would bet he pays most of his employees in the field minimum wage (if that much). Does he know that Abel’s legislation to increase the minimum wage is about to take the wind out of his bottom line? Does Mr. Ito know that Able thinks government is the solution to our woes? Does he know that Abel (who flies… Read More

Ronald Reagan High

A battle is heating up in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. The district is about to build a third high school due to all the people moving into this area. One of the Board Education Members, Ken Dickson (also a candidate for the 66th Assembly District) is leading an effort to name the new school Ronald Reagan High School. Shockingly enough there is some push back on this effort by the local teachers union. I personally support this endeavor, and for that matter naming as many buildings as possible after one of our great Presidents.

At this time there are only three high schools in the country named after President Reagan; one each in Texas, Florida and North Carolina. Murrieta has the opportunity to be the first community to name a high school after Ronald Reagan in California, his adopted state, where he served as governor and attained national prominence. They decision on this is going to be made at the end of the month.

Dickson is working overtime to generate community support on this naming effort. I wish him well.… Read More