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Mike Spence

Who killed Stephen Ballreich?

Who killed Stephen Ballreich?That’s the title of the Pasadena Weekly article on the 1991 murder of political consultant andformer Alhmabra MayorBallreich. While at one time he was a rising GOP star before flaming out, he was partially responsible for starting the process of registering and empowering Asain voters in that part of the San Gabriel Valley. It is lengthy, but you can read the article here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: UCI College Republicans Protested – and the Top Stories

Last night, I made the two mile trip over to the campus at the University of California, Irvine. Why? Because FR friend Kristen Lucero, who is President of the UC Irvine College Republicans told me about an event they were hosting on campus. An excerpt from a Los Angeles Times article on the event described it this way:

Praying, shouting and waving signs, about 200 Muslims and their supporters converged on the UC Irvine campus Tuesday evening to protest a forum on Islamic extremism that included the unveiling of cartoons lampooning Muhammad.

The caricatures, first printed in European newspapers, incited riots worldwide that led to dozens of deaths last month.

Organizers of the UCI forum, which drew about 250 people to an auditorium at theRead More

Jon Fleischman

UCI College Republicans Protested – and the Top Stories

Last night, I made the two mile trip over to the campus at the University of California, Irvine. Why? Because FR friend Kristen Lucero, who is President of the UC Irvine College Republicans told me about an event they were hosting on campus. An excerpt from a Los Angeles Times article on the event described it this way:

Praying, shouting and waving signs, about 200 Muslims and their supporters converged on the UC Irvine campus Tuesday evening to protest a forum on Islamic extremism that included the unveiling of cartoons lampooning Muhammad. The caricatures, first printed in European newspapers, incited riots worldwide that led to dozens of deaths last month.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Harman campaign releases survey showing him up 37% to Harkey’s 16%

The Tarrance Group, a polling firm out of Virginia was retained by the Tom Harman for State Senate campaign to survey likely voters. Today, Harman’s campaign gave the FR the early scoop (H/T to FR contributor Duane Dichiara) on the results from that survey.

This survey of 459 registered "likely" voters was taken on February 19-20. The ballot test: TOM HARMAN: 37% LARRY CABALLERO: 23% (Dem) DIANE HARKEY: 16% UNDECIDED: 20%

Name identification: HARMAN: 76% of voters know who he is with 39% having a favorable impression and 14% having an unfavorable impression. HARKEY: 39% know her, and… Read More

America’s Sheriff Shows Strong Support at Home

OC Sheriff Mike Carona has been called America’s Sheriff. Well last night Orange County conservative Republicans made it clear they support him for re-election here at home.

Over 60 California Republican Assembly delegates from a dozen OC chapters of the conservative grassroots organization UNANIMOUSLY voted to endorse Sheriff Mike Carona.

The sheriff’s most vocal opponent a lieutenant that works for the department has been putting the full court press on speaking at CRA chapter gatherings, but it amounted to nothing when it came time for the delegates to vote.

Carona is stronger than ever among the voters despite being the target of an LA Times attack campaign (I am a friend to the media and don’t use those words lightly).… Read More

Advertising Executives vs Preschool Kids

Bill Bradley continues to investigate and shine light on Rob Reiner’s use of taxpayer money for a multi-million dollar advertising buy that was timed to help the signature gathering of his new tax hike initiative.

Today he reports on Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy’s creative idea to take the money spent on television and spend it on preschool aged kids.

This is a novel idea in the legislature, spend money intended to help children on… children.

As I understand it, the bill would take the Proposition 10 ad money and could put about 120,000 of the 180,000 preschool aged kids who don’t currently go to preschool into a 5 week accelerated learning program right before they go to Kindergarten.

The statewide program would be modeled after the successful Ready To Start programs in McCarthy’s Kern county Assembly District.

Always the quote machine, this is lifted from McCarthy’s press release:

“Instead ofRead More

Dan Schnur

The Democrats’ Circular Firing Squad

Steve Westly’s talking positive. Phil Angelides is beating up on Arnold. But it’s only a matter of time before they turn their guns on each other.

Both candidates have begun statewide advertising more than three months before the primary. When you have two politicians with that much money and that little self-restraint, the odds of either of them getting through the next hundred days with approval ratings any higher than mine are pretty slim.

If Arnold can pull a Steve McQueen and walk through the Democratic bar fight without getting touched, the three months of an Angelides-Westly bloodbath could give the governor some time to restore his own poll numbers and campaign coffers. But just a few thoughts before the Democraic fratricide gets going:

1) Angelides is using Barbara Boxer as a spokesperson in his first ad. Along with his support for tax increases and death-to-Arnold messaging, this is clearly about positioning him in a Democratic primary. But millions of dollars of Boxer ads could leave a residue that may not be so helpful in a general election. In 2004, California Democrats would have happily nominated Howard Dean… Read More

Barry Jantz

Fraud Investigation Requested Over Chula Vista “Bodyguard”

****Exclusive to the FlashReport****

It has all the makings of a municipal soap opera.

A personal bodyguard hired at the behest of Chula Vista Mayor Steve Padilla for a mere $10,000 per month. Allegations against the Mayor of wasting taxpayer money and undue paranoia. Padilla firing the bodyguard, so as "to end complaints from fellow council members and remove the bodyguard issue from the political campaign" (per the Union-Tribune). Bodyguard David Kanter alleging breach of contract and threateninga lawsuit against the city. The City Council reinstating the contract because no termination clause was included to protect Chula Vista’s interests. According to the U-T, "the council’s decision (to reinstate) calls for Kanter’s firm to provide ‘specialized investigative and research services’ to the Chula Vista Police Department and to ‘investigateRead More