Theory? Or Fact?
I’ve been contacted by several people advancing this theory, explaining what happenned today with Gallegly…
Supposedly the Congressman filed for reelection, and THEN decided (due to health reasons) that he would not run again – apparently not realizing that once you file your candidacy, you cannot “unfile” – thus he is on the ballot, and because he (the incumbent) technically filed for re-election, filing closed. I was told that Gallegly had assumed he would be able to “unfile” and this filing would be open for another week….
Now we have this bizarre situation of Gallegly on the GOP ballot but not wanting to be, this unknown guy, Tannenbaum.
Rumor has it that Strickland may seek legal recourse on Monday, asking a judge to extend filing in light of this bizarre thwarting of the democratic process…… Read More