Please provide feedback!
Every once in a while, on a ‘slow news day’ like today, I take the opportunity to ask you, my loyal readers, to give me feedback on the website. What do you like? What do you dislike? What else would you like to see? Is there anything (within reason) that we can do to make the site better? Am I missing any links to key California sources of news, or websites or blog? Your input will help to make the FlashReport an even better resource for following the politics of the Golden State.
You can email me, or drop me an anonymous note.
In the meantime, I want to draw your attention to a few things that attentive readers already know.
You can read any of my past daily commentaries by going to "Commentary Library" under the FR Info menu (or click here today).
You can read any of the past featured columns on this siate by going to "Special Reports" under the FR Info menu (or click… Read More