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Jon Fleischman

Please provide feedback!

Every once in a while, on a ‘slow news day’ like today, I take the opportunity to ask you, my loyal readers, to give me feedback on the website. What do you like? What do you dislike? What else would you like to see? Is there anything (within reason) that we can do to make the site better? Am I missing any links to key California sources of news, or websites or blog? Your input will help to make the FlashReport an even better resource for following the politics of the Golden State.

You can email me, or drop me an anonymous note.

In the meantime, I want to draw your attention to a few things that attentive readers already know.

You can read any of my past daily commentaries by going to "Commentary Library" under the FR Info menu (or click here today).

You can read any of the past featured columns on this siate by going to "Special Reports" under the FR Info menu (or click… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Merry Pranksters

I know what I’m about to publish is petty. I know I should be above it. But I’m a weak, weak man.

Check this out.

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. And yes, apparently it’s for real. I don’t know how he managed it, but Republican candidate and former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian has managed to make enemies with many if not most of the state political operatives and pranksters (sometimes they are one in the same, sometimes not) who amuse themselves with this type of thing. Is this gonna win or lose the election? No. Is someone going to make some good money off it? Probably. Note to the inspired businessman… the coffee mug would have been more entertaining if there was a picture of Howard’s noggin on it near the top so the drinker could see the steam coming off his head.… Read More

Mike Spence

Linclon Club 59th AD Forum Buzz

Warning. This will be one of my longer posts. I still won’t be able to get everything in. This was the first forum for all GOP candidates for the 59th Assembly District. I was an “uncomped” member in the audience of the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club (part of the 360 member Los Angeles Lincoln Club) monthly member meeting that featured this forum.

Moderating was Assemblyman Bob Huff.

You can read my previous post on the race here and it contains links to all the other posts by Brad Mitzelfelt or me on the topic. Since I last wrote the local CRA units in the area endorsed Barry Hartz.

First off all the candidates were pretty articulate and could make a decent presentation. That was good news.

Hartz, Adams and Slater are clearly conservatives and their answers on questions reflected that.

Slater did say she had three priorities in running illegal immigration, taxes and oh ya…… conservatorship. While that maybe great for the lawyer in the crowd or worries the ingrate grandson going… Read More

The Governor and DHS Sec. Chertoff

I can’t help but hope that the Governor took the opportunity today during his time with Secretary Chertoff to discuss substantive measures to protect our borders.

If he did, why no message from the Governor to the people of California on the discussion?

Mr. Governor?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Note to the Governor: the Democrats in the Capitol want you to lose.

This is probably not a surprise to anyone, but Senate President Don Perata, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (pictured to the right on the campaign trail with Phil Angelides), and the rest of the Democratic legislators who hold majorities in both houses of the legislature do not want a Republican Governor — specifically, they would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger lose in November, and fail dismally in his leadership of California between now and then. Why? Because as partisan Democrats, they would like to see one of their own party members occupy the highest public office in the state. This becomes important because in this election year, there is simply no way to avoid the reality that the partisan elections that are underway have already and will continue to ensure that the legislative Democrats will do anything and everything to see Governor Schwarzenegger embarrassed and do poorly — after all, you need only look at the endorsements lists on the websites of Read More

Jon Fleischman

Note to the Governor: the Democrats in the Capitol want you to lose.

This is probably not a surprise to anyone, but Senate President Don Perata, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez (pictured to the right on the campaign trail with Phil Angelides), and the rest of the Democratic legislators who hold majorities in both houses of the legislature do not want a Republican Governor — specifically, they would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger lose in November, and fail dismally in his leadership of California between now and then. Why? Because as partisan Democrats, they would like to see one of their own party members occupy the highest public office in the state. This becomes important because in this election year, there is simply no way to avoid the reality that the partisan elections that are underway have already and will continue to ensure that the legislative Democrats will do anything and everything to see Governor Schwarzenegger embarrassed and do poorly — after all, you need only look at the endorsements lists on the websites of Read More

Jon Fleischman

My visit with the Saddleback RA

Tonight, along with conservative Mission Viejo Councilman Frank Ury, I spoke to the monthly meeting of the Saddleback Republican Assembly here in Orange County. The SRA is the local chapter of the venerable California Republican Assembly.

It was great to come and speak to this great group of energized conservative activists. I talked to the members about the very important role that the CRA plays as the conscience of the Republican Party. I reminded the members there that the role of the Republican Party isn’t just to elect Republicans to office, but to hold the feet of those GOP officeholders to the fire. Literally, being their conscience.

I recalled back to my term as State President of the CRA from 1995-1997, and the great team we had in place. I remembered the great legislative scorecard we put together (John Stoos stood this up for us back then), which embodies the idea that the relationship between the activists and the candidates last long beyond the election day.

Anyways, we had a fun evening – talking about the latest on the bond plan, goings-on in far-away Ventura County, and the special election for the 35th Senate… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Arnold Won the Bond Debate?

My friend Jon Fleischman has opined today that Governor Arnold won the debate on bonds. I beg to differ. It does not take a genius to know the infrastructure needs of the State, if one lives here. Nor does a take a genius to know that we cannot afford any more significant general obligation debt. It simply takes an ability to add and subtract. Nor does it take courage to propose massive borrowing. What was most disappointing about the bond debate is that not enough legislators came forward and told the truth about whether we can run a structural deficit, as we are now, and heap more debt on top of an unbalanced budget. We simply can’t, and in this debate we didn’t make that argument at all.

The people of the State seem to have a better grasp of this than Arnold does. If in fact the Democrats killed this deal they did us all a favor. At some level we need to make a strong case for balancing our budget, not spending more year over year, and applying surplus revenues to projects on a pay as you go basis. This is only a realistic strategy if you tell the truth to the voters over and over… Read More