If Rob Reiner was Arnold’s friend, he would resign.
It is being reported today by Fresno Bee editorial board member gail Marshall that in an interview that the Bee Ed Board conducted with Governor Schwarzenegger, he told them that he will not fire Rob Reiner as Chairman of the California Children and Families Commission. Marshall, in her blog post, says that: "Schwarzenegger said there is only an "appearance" of a problem with Reiner, and he sees no reason to remove him at this point. The governor said it isn’t right to dump Reiner without evidence of wrongdoing."
First and foremost, this is bad news. Bad because the reason to appoint a new Chairman of the Commission (remember, Reiner’s term of four-years to which he was appointed by Gray Davis has long expired) is because there should be someone in charge of this Commission who shares the Governor’s vision and philosophy. Specifically, Reiner has decided to go ahead and put a massive tax increase measure on the upcoming ballot. Reiner has made himself the issue by being such an outspoken, partisan… Read More