Consulting Reform
Some of thoughts about the Cap Weekly piece on Steve Schmidt’s earnings:
1) I read the rival consultants’ criticisms with considerable amusement. I’ve yet to meet a consultant who, after flying his client’s campaign into a mountainside, offered a refund for services that, while rendered, obviously failed. Dan Schnur said it best when Kathleen Brown’s gubernatorial effort went broke right before Election Day 1994 — it being the only campaign where the consultant had more money than the campaign.
2) Has there ever been a campaign where consulting fees were primarily performance-based and results-driven? In other words, instead of offering fat/flat monthly fees up front, a candidate instead would offer lead consultants a minimal monthly fee, but load it up with incentives — such as surpassing pre-defined levels for party turnout and votes received. It’s not unlike a baseball contract where a pitcher gets a smaller base contract, plus incentive bonuses for number of quality starts, innings pitched, etc. For the Schwarzenegger campaign, bonuses could be awarded if Arnold receives, say, more… Read More