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Jon Fleischman

50th CD Special Election – and two great ideas from Jim Battin!

The 50th Congressional District Two weeks from tomorrow, there will be Congressional special election taking place in California. Actually, with absentee voting being such a large percentage of votes cast in special election, it would almost be more accurate to say that is a special election "underway" right now. The race has captured the national political spotlight because it is the race to fill out the unexpired term of former GOP Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham who is now one of the most infamous criminals in the annals of Congress. The millions of dollars that he took in exchange for directing government contracts into the hands of his ‘benefactors’ has sent Duke to jail for many years, and now voters on San Diego’s "Gold Coast" need to choose a new representative. There are a ton of Republicans running for the seat — thus making the amount of votes necessary to clintch the GOP nomination… Read More

Barry Jantz

More Polling in 50th … Datamar’s Latest

Just received this from Datamar:

Democrat Busby Tops 18-Candidates List, But Sum Of Next Four Candidates Exceeds Her Total

Bilbray, Kaloogian, Roach Lead Republican Candidates

San Diego – A poll was released today by Datamar Inc. regarding candidates from all political parties in the 50th Congressional Special Election to be held April 11th. This survey questioned 50th Congressional District high-propensity registered voters — voters who voted in the 2004 Presidential primary and general elections and in the 2002 gubernatorial primary and general elections.Unlike the survey I noted this morning (see post below), Datamar does ask the obvious question, "If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?":

Busby 36%

Bilbray 11.7%

Roach 11.2%

Kaloogian 10.6%

Orren 5%

Morrow 4.8%

Uke 3%

I’ll stop at that point in the list. See the entire survey results here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Immigration Rallies – Arnold’s GOP Opponents – McPherson = Energizer Bunny

RALLIES ON IMMIGRATION REFORM Tens of thousands of protesters, in what was clearly a coordinated statewide effort, held rallies to protest what they consider to be unacceptable solutions to the country’s illegal immigation problem. This is a national debate, and while the FR is a California-centered publication, there is probably no other state that is as negatively impacted by the failure of the federal government to address this problem than ours. Mike Der Manouel has a commentary on the main page on this issue — but it seems to me that you can divide the issue into two parts. The first part — the easy part — is border control. Congress needs to put up a security barrier between Mexico and the United States, and take seriously the role of tracking who is coming into this country. Pursuant to this is an obligation to exclude from entry anyone… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Immigration Rallies – Arnold’s GOP Opponents – McPherson = Energizer Bunny

RALLIES ON IMMIGRATION REFORM Tens of thousands of protesters, in what was clearly a coordinated statewide effort, held rallies to protest what they consider to be unacceptable solutions to the country’s illegal immigation problem. This is a national debate, and while the FR is a California-centered publication, there is probably no other state that is as negatively impacted by the failure of the federal government to address this problem than ours. Mike Der Manouel has a commentary on the main page on this issue — but it seems to me that you can divide the issue into two parts. The first part — the easy part — is border control. Congress needs to put up a security barrier between Mexico and the United States, and take seriously the role of tracking who is coming into this country. Pursuant to this is an obligation to exclude from entry anyone… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego … 50th CD, More

50th Polling … KGTV Channel 10 released a "favorable/unfavorable" SurveyUSA poll, which you can see here. Not sure how useful this is with out detailed info. If you’re gonna ask only one question, why not ask how the respondent will vote … but, what do I know? Here’s the toplines … for the frontrunners:

Name/Favorable/Unfavorable/Unfamiliar Busby / 38% / 26% / 20%

Bilbray /23% / 20% / 29%

Kaloogian / 20% / 18% / 40%

Morrow / 19% / 20% / 35%

Roach / 20% / 24% / 32%

Uke / 15% / 22% / 39%

If you buy these numbers, Eric Roach’s advertising has definitely impacted the race, with a higher familiarity than Morrow and Kaloogian, but it has also increased his negatives.

Weekend Events … One of the premier annual political functions in San Diego County, certainly the best put together for/by an East County politico, isn’t even a dinner… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Befuddled By Protesters? Blame Congress.

The outrageous claims and behavior of those protesting proposed immigration legislation this past week are a direct result of a "deer in the headlights Congress" and White House that have effectively traded border and national security for an increase in political support from Hispanics. End of story.

In the four plus years since the terrorist attacks Congress has squandered an opportunity to fix immigration for national security reasons – and won’t have the opportunity again until America is attacked by terrorists for the second time. Its hard to play the race card against national security but Americans are already forgetting 9-11, so the race card is out again.

Liberals and Mexican activists in effect want America to turn a blind eye toward those whose first act in entering the US is to break the law. Employers want the labor supply, so they paralyze GOP members of Congress. The situation is a crisis and a mess. Inaction will only heighten the problem and tensions in society are sure to rise with these protests.

We must utilize technology to fix our system of tracking immigrants before we establish a guest worker… Read More

Mike Spence

LA goes nuts for illegals

Police estimate the a half a million people showed up for a rally against some anti illegallegislation in Congress. Here is the story.Of course some of them were illegal, but many weren’t. This rally shows what happens when a nation refuses to enforce our laws for two decades. Of course many want the system to stay broken. They have two decades of exploiting it.

Or maybe this was a commercial for buying land in Idaho.… Read More

One for the sample mail file…

It usually only happens once or twice every election cycle–the piece of campaign mail that is worthy of my sample mail file (because I might just use it myself in a future campaign, just changing the names and photos).

A cross between a timeshare sales brochure and what I imagine Don Lapre would use to promote his latest infomercial product, it’s a damn good piece of direct mail.

Dave Gilliard (GBW&A) is running Diane Harkey’s campaign for the 35th Senate District against Assemblyman Tom Harman. Giliard’s "Harman Method" highlights how Harman has ‘gotten rich’ off being a legislator. My research firm is doing Harkey’s polling.

Some people might think the piece is too cute, but it is well done and is even designed to be at first glance, a pro-Harman piece. Which is all the better because once you start reading it, it’s clearly not.… Read More