Wow…i’m a posting fool today …let’s review: Kaloogian’s photo flap and this just in ….Jack Abramoff’s very light sentence…..his own jail break if you will….
Here’s the ap story.… Read More
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Wow…i’m a posting fool today …let’s review: Kaloogian’s photo flap and this just in ….Jack Abramoff’s very light sentence…..his own jail break if you will….
Here’s the ap story.… Read More
The good news is Rob Reiner has finally done the right thing and resigned as chairman of the California Children and Families Commission, colloquially known as the First 5 Commission. It would have been nice if Reiner was resigning because he knows it is wrong to use tax dollars to promote his universal government pre-school ballot initative, but the world is an imperfect place. We’ll have to content ourselves with a resignation letter equal parts self-pity, self-congratulation and moral obliviousness (probably penned by Reiner’s new smashmouth PR guru, Mark Fabiani).
The bad news is our Governor has replaced Reiner with a political clone (of Reiner, not Schwarzenegger) named Hector Ramirez, head Para Los Ninos (Spanish for — what else? — For The… Read More
It isn’t on the Governor’s website yet, but Arnold appointed another judge to the Los Angeles County Superior Court.Richard Goul is a decline to stater and worse from USC. I was told to be glad it wasn’t another Democrat as the Governor’s appointments run two to one on the Dem side. Hooray.
Here is the release since it wasn’t up yet.
Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Richard Goul to Los Angeles County Superior Court Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Richard M. Goul to a judgeship in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Goul, 48, of Newport Beach, has served as a deputy district attorney with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office since 1989. He is currently deputy-in-charge of the sexual assault unit in the Long Beach branch … Read More
Today Corona Councilmember Jeff Miller led a counter demonstration of the truant students doing their street theater during the school hours that I as a taxpayer pay for. Here is an e-mail just sent out by Miller.
Today, Corona’s parents, business owners, college students, and retirees sent a strong message to the high school students of Corona – please stay in school during school hours. Keep learning and studying to better yourself and your future. America depends on it.
If you want to protest, do it after school or on the weekends. It is against the law to leave school and the best civics lesson our children can have is to PLEASE OBEY THE LAW.
Thanks to the Corona Police Department and Corona Norco Unified School District for taking our message seriously and stopping this nonsense. The students were unable to carry out their plan to leave school this morning while school is in session. Thanks to Councilman Steve Nolan for helping get the message out to our community. Channel 4 NBC covered our efforts today and will be running it at 5PM today. Tonight, the Corona City Council is having a town hall meeting.… Read More
In general, the FlashReport as a publication doesn’t endorse candidates. There have been rare occasions, but right now I can’t even think of one. We did endorse John Shadegg in his run for Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Shadegg didn’t win that election, but he really was never in the hunt – he joined late, as the conservative candidate for GOP leadership, and his candidacy shaped that debate.
The vast majority of the FlashReport’s many, many thousands of site visitors are not from Orange County, let alone from the 35th State Senate District, which hugs the coastline of one of California’s most populous, and Republican Counties. This coastal legislative seat, which stretches from Seal Beach on the Los Angeles border all of the way down to the southern-most end of the county, is the site of a special election. State Senator John Campbell was elected a few months ago to fill out the unexpired term of Congressman Christopher Cox, who was tapped by President Bush to serve as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
There are two GOP candidates vying for what is a safe Republican seat — State… Read More
In general, the FlashReport as a publication doesn’t endorse candidates. There have been rare occasions, but right now I can’t even think of one. We did endorse John Shadegg in his run for Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Shadegg didn’t win that election, but he really was never in the hunt – he joined late, as the conservative candidate for GOP leadership, and his candidacy shaped that debate.
The vast majority of the FlashReport’s many, many thousands of site visitors are not from Orange County, let alone from the 35th State Senate District, which hugs the coastline of one of California’s most populous, and Republican Counties. This coastal legislative seat, which stretches from Seal Beach on the Los Angeles border all of the way down to the southern-most end of the county, is the site of a special election. State Senator John Campbell was elected a few months ago to fill out the unexpired term of Congressman Christopher Cox, who was tapped by President Bush to serve as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
So Rob Reiner decided to do Arnold Schwarzenegger a favor.
While it’s too early to tell how much damage the First 5 controversy has caused to Reiner’s campaign for Proposition 82, it is clear that it was causing Schwarzenegger all sorts of political problems within his own Republican party.
Now that Reiner has departed, the next step for the governor is to move to the forefront and aggressively lead the investigation into First 5’s activities.
If Reiner is correct and there was nothing illegal or inappropriate going on, Schwarzenegger still gets points for making sure that was the case. If there were improprieties, better for the governor to be the one leading the charge to uncover them.
Either way, it’s one big headache that Arnold doesn’t have to deal with anymore. But there’s still a terrific opportunity here for him to be the political outsider who promised to clean up the mess in Sacramento when he first ran for governor.… Read More
I hate to promote a far left web site, but like a broken clock that right twice a day http://www.dailykos.com seems to have hit on something here.
It appears that 50th Congressional Candidate Howard Kaloogian has pictures on his web site that he supposedly took in Baghdad last year when he was there on a junket with talk radio hosts. The problem is that the pictures are not really from Baghdad. Still need a map Howard ?
I see that Joe Justin think too much a like. However with this subject there can never be too much posting.… Read More