WSJ/Zogby poll in CA Governor’s Race
The Wall Street Journal has released a Zogby Survey of Gubernatorial and Senate matchups around the United States. In California, they surveyed voters from March 22 – March 27, and report back that Governor Schwarzenegger is behind both of his opponents were the election held today, with Angelides besting him 45.5% to 40.7% and Westly by 47.1% to 40.7%.
Of course, the entire dynamic of this race will change when the is a strong ‘contrasting’ campaign taking place throughout the fall. But the key to a successful campaign of showing California voters the two distinctly difference choices they have between Schwarzenegger and his eventual Democratic opponent, be it Westly or Angelides, will be a campaign where the Governor campaigns on fiscally conservative themes, and takes on issues such as illegal immigration and property-rights abuse.
You can check out the Zogby survey here, or just click on the attachment below.… Read More