My secret “smackdown” of President (Bill) Clinton is revealed at last
With Bill Clinton climbing back into the public eye, touting his wife Eva Peron (a.k.a. Hillary Clinton) for President, it’s time I finally told the secret story of how I stuck it to him in 1993 — shortly after he was elected Sex Offender in Chief (okay, okay, that’s just a churlish aside — my bad). The best part was that I got to embarrass President Clinton on national TV, and then let another person take all the media backlash (which was monumental) while I remained in the shadows.
Shortly after being elected President, Clinton scheduled a “Town Hall Meeting” with a TV station in San Diego (KGTV-10), allowing the station to gather a small, selected audience. Unlike the heavily scripted propaganda town halls politicians stage today, this one was a bit more open to challenging questions.
A friend of mine, Lorne Fleming, was somehow picked in advance to ask the first question. Recognizing the opportunity, he came to me for guidance before the show — a chance like this comes along once in a lifetime (less often for most).
It didn’t take us long to come up with the appropriate question. At the time… Read More