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Duane Dichiara

A Breath of Fresh Air in San Diego

Last night’s San Diego City Council meeting clearly demonstrated that the wind is behind the back of Mayor Jerry Sanders and the Reform City Hall movement. By a margin of 7 to 1 the council voted to place two Sanders supported measures on the November 7 ballot: one which would require voter approval for any employee pension benefit increase and one which opens up city services to competition from the private sector. The sole dissenting vote was machine Democrat Hueso. During the process, several complaints about “political pressure” were heard from labor Democrat Councilmembers. Presumably, they were referring to the local reform advocates and business owners who over the past couple of months had been gathering money and signatures to place these measures on the ballot should the council not support the Mayor’s reform agenda.

The difference between the last, paralyzed administration and the Sanders administration could not be more clear. The previous administration spent it’s resources denying that there was a fiscal or ethical problem at City Hall. They were indecisive in policy and in politics. Mayor Sanders and his team are keenly… Read More

Rest In Peace Mr. Secretary

The passing of former Reagan Defense Secretary Weinberger is a great loss to our country.

I had the opportunity to spend the day with Secretary Weinberger several years ago and kept in contact with him through the years. He was a wealth of knowledge and a class act.

California Republicans were better off for having Weinberger serve as chairman of the California Republican Party in the early 60s and all of California had the benefit of his leadership in the State Assembly having been elected in 1952 and re-elected in ’54 and ’56. Here is a link to his full bio, a facinating read.

During the time I spent with the Secretary, he was candid and predicted the current trouble with North Korea.

Rest In Peace Mr. Secretary.


Former Secretary of Defense Weinberger dies at 88

WASHINGTON (Reuters)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: New Guest Editor – and my local hs protestors trash a 7-11

Today I am pleased to announce a new addition to the FlashReport Team — Nicholas Romero! For those of you who don’t know Nick (pictured to the right) , he is currently a Field Representative for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and has been a leader in youth politics – most notably with Young Americans for Freedom (I am an alumni of YAF myself, having served as State Chairman from 1990-93 and on YAF’s National Board from 1992-95). Nick is a fine conservative — and a smart guy with a keen eye! Recently I reached out to Nick to ask him if, from time to time, he would like to serve as the FlashReport’s first Guest Editor! I am happy to say that Nick not only said yes, but was quite enthusiastic!

Now, "What is a Guest Editor," you ask?

Every morning, there is a ton of work done on the FR website, culling through literally dozens of websites in order to thenRead More

Jon Fleischman

New Guest Editor – and my local HS protestors trash a 7-11

Today I am pleased to announce a new addition to the FlashReport Team — Nicholas Romero! For those of you who don’t know Nick (pictured to the right) , he is currently a Field Representative for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, and has been a leader in youth politics – most notably with Young Americans for Freedom (I am an alumni of YAF myself, having served as State Chairman from 1990-93 and on YAF’s National Board from 1992-95). Nick is a fine conservative — and a smart guy with a keen eye! Recently I reached out to Nick to ask him if, from time to time, he would like to serve as the FlashReport’s first Guest Editor! I am happy to say that Nick not only said yes, but was quite enthusiastic! Now, "What is aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Rest In Peace Lyn Nofziger

Associated Press is reporting that longtime conservative Reagan confidant Lyn Nofziger has passed away. Lyn has been a friend to me these past almost 20 years, and I will miss him dearly.

Here is the AP Report:

WASHINGTON — Franklyn "Lyn" Nofziger, the rumpled and irreverent conservative who served President Reagan as press secretary and political adviser, died of cancer Monday. He was 81. Nofziger died at his home in Falls Church, Va., said Eldin Girdner, a family friend.Read More

Mike Spence

Why CRA hit Bilbray

As some can imagine, I received several emails and calls from folks upset the CRA “hit” Bilbray is his race to replace convicted Congressman Cunningham. Many have suggested that we are not allowed to speak ill of a GOP candidate and cite Ronald Reagan’s “11th Commandment” Historically, I’m glad Reagan challenged the powers to be and ran against an incumbent Republican in 1976. Principle is always more important than being “nice” CRA hit Bilbray for one reason. His nomination jeopardizes Republicans keeping the seat. I know many say it is impossible to lose this seat. History tells us differently. Democrats lost a safe seat when the Powerful Dan Rostenkowski had ethics problems. Congressman from both parties has been upset when corruption is on the table. The 50th district is one of the mostRead More

Jon Fleischman

Team Arnold’s First Commercial

Click here to see Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first commercial of the season.

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Pollster frets over 50th District survey

Sorry kids…no time for goofy songs today….but I’ve definitely got some comments on the hubub surrounding this Datamar survey that has tongues wagging….even Jack Orr sent me an email….and I’m sure he doesn’t even know who I am.

The best way to objectively look at this automated poll begins with a read of William Finn Bennett’s piece Saturday whose headline read Pollster frets over 50th District survey.Bennettquotes the pollster who conducted the polls as saying, ""By the time we get halfway through (the list) the calls will start dropping off," company president and chief operating officer Raul Furlong said in a Tuesday phone interview.

Now on to some objective flaws. According to the DataMar survey, Scott Orren finishes fourth. Yet, he has spent next to nothing on his campaign and had little name ID headed into the race. Could his relatively high showing be attributable to his incorrect ballot designation or to the fact that he was listed first on every single… Read More