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In God We Trust

Today’s Stockton Record reports that the Lodi City Council is going to discuss posting the Country’s motto, "In God We Trust" in its city hall. Before they can discuss it they need to ask their attorney to review if its legal to post.

Why do the littlest things in life have to be so difficult?

For those of you interested in a quick history lesson, here is the United States Department of the Treasury’s web page that gives a history of "In God We Trust."… Read More

Correa Will Be On The Ballot for SD 34

I just received notice from a reliable source that the Sacramento County Superior Court has denied Tom Umberg’s petition to kick Lou Correa off the June ballot for the Democrat primary for SD 34. The Court essentially upheld the OC Registrar of Voters decision that Correa submitted sufficient signatures, despite having more than the maximum number permitted. This means that Correa will appear on the ballot and Umberg will have a fight on his hands.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Correa will stay on State Senate ballot

H/T to OC Register Reporter Martin Wisckol for the tip that in Sacramento Superior Court today, the judge ruled that Democratic Supervisor Lou Correa will be able to stay on the ballot in his quest to be the State Senator in the 34th District in Central Orange County. Of course Correa will first have to best Assemblyman Tom Umberg in the primary, and then face Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher in the general election.

Umberg had challenged Correa’s filing as he had turned in substantially more signatures to qualify than you are supposed to, apparently. You can read what Mike Houston said here on this last week, and what Dana Reed said here last week.

I’m sure we’ll see more on this in the Register tomorrow, and in on the Register’s "Total Buzz Blog" (see it under Blog Roll above).… Read More

Mike Spence

Illegal Alien Rallies Continue

Students are still coming out against "getting tough" on illegals.Read update hereI guess we should understand. LAPD isn’t writing alot of truancy tickets and in LAUSD some teachers are with the students. LAUSD is a place you can’t buy a soda, but you can leave for politically correct protests at anytime. Good show.… Read More

He’ll Be Back?

Keep an eye on Hollywood donations to the Schwarzenegger campaign — in particular, studio execs with a stake in the Governator’s future.

But maybe not the political future you’re thinking — i.e., a second term.

Web sites like this continue to buzz that some in filmdom are rooting not for Schwarzenegger’s re-election but instead his return to the big screen.

The rumor: in the event of a Schwarzenegger loss, Hollywood is ready to green-light "Terminator" and "Conan" sequels.

Granted, this may be far-fetched (Arnold turns 60 in 2007, which would him one long-in-the-tooth cyborg or barbarian), but it’s part of the gift of a Schwarzenegger Administration — on a cold, rainy day in the Bay Area, it’s more fun to speculate about Hollywood pipe dreams than media buys and GOTV strategies.… Read More

Jeff Miller to Kids- Get Back to Class

Corona councilmember and Riverside County Party Chairman Jeff Miller took a different approach then many of the Southern California elected officials in regards to the high school kids/ illegal immigrant’s rights protesters / truants this week. He called the police. The police informed the kids that they were truant from school and that their parents would be notified that they were liable for their actions. This message sent many of them back to school. Protests are fine, but not during school hours. Great work Jeff.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Student Walkouts Reveal a Lack of Nerve and Will By School Authorities

Today’s Daily Pilot carries a story carries a story about a local high school response to yesterday’s student walkout — a response that is wrong in so many ways. First, you have to read the relevant portions to believe how pathetically helpless Estancia High School officials allowed themselves to become:

Estancia High School administrators said they were surprised when students walked out in protest on Monday morning, but they planned to take no action against the demonstrators beyond marking them absent.

At around 10:30 a.m., a large group of mostly Latino students walked out during their break period to join a demonstration at City Hall. Administrators allowed the protesters to leave but stood outside and warned them that any students not returning to class would be identified as truant.

"It happened so suddenly," he said. "We told them, ‘Get back to class. You need to go to class,’ and they went in the other direction."

By the end of Monday, he said, none of

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Barry Jantz

La Mesa-Spring Valley School Board to Gain a GOP Seat Tonight

Since I always like to call these things before they happen, La Mesa-Spring Valley School trustees tonight will appoint Emma Turner to the vacant seat on the board.

The vacancy was created by Sharon Jones’ appointment to the SD County Board of Education, which I covered here pretty extensively. You may remember that two of the Republicans on the County Board, Susan Hartley and John Witt, sided with Nick Aguilar to appoint Democrat Jones to a clear GOP seat, which had been Republican Ernie Dronenburg’s. This was despite the fact that highly qualified folks like Arkan Somo and Rick Winet had also applied. Such is the nature of politics, like it or not.

However, this leaves Republicans Bill Baber, Bob Duff, Penny Halgren, and Winet himself on the La Mesa-Spring Valley Board, with a vacancy to fill. Four GOPers applied for the seat, and one subsequently withdrew.

How do I know that Emma Turner, a retired naval officer, member of the Spring Valley Community… Read More