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Jon Fleischman

TY Nick – News Roundup

Having just returned from a quick vacation, I want to first thank our Guest Editor Nicholas Romero for his fine work – he put together the FR main page on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and did an outstanding job I must say. Nick will continue to help me out, as needed, going forward. Thanks, Nick! The "must read" today is a piece by LA Times political reporter Peter Nicholas on Governor Schwarzenegger: "The Private Side of his Governance. The piece offers an ‘inside look’ at Arnold Schwarzenegger and how he runs his office and how he approaches his job. I found it to be quite interested and eye-opening. I was fascinated to read a piece in the Contra Costa Times (reprinted from the LA Times, so you may have already read it) that focused on the California GOP delegation and the immigration issue. The piece talked about while all of the Democrats support some degree of guest worker program, the GOPers remain solid in their opposition to any kind of amnesty. However, the exception to the GOP solidarity comes from Central Valley Republican Congressmen George Radanovich, Devin Nunes and Bill Thomas, who… Read More

Barry Jantz

Ode to the 77th

I’m probably too close to this thing for my own good. So be it.

I was on the ground with Steve Baldwin in 1988 in a spirited attempt against Steve Peace (old 80th AD), then when Willie Brown clean-clocked Baldwin in ’92, electing Democrat and future felon Tom Connolly in a four point GOP seat. In 1994, against the best sentiments of Rob Hurtt and others, Baldwin ran again and knocked off Connolly, with a bit of help via Tom’s penchant for 14-year-old prostitutes. We felt vindicated. We were vindicated. Heck, Steve even got to chair Assembly Education for about … what was it, six months?

Six years later Steve and I (and many from the Baldwin team) worked hard for Jay La Suer, a conservative stalwart that I am proud to have served alongside for 10 years as a La Mesa councilman. Although others ran in that 2000 GOP primary, no one could match Jay’s law enforcement and military background. With Joe Justin consulting, and Steve and Duncan Hunter raising money for Jay, the general… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

FEC Filings in 50th… The SDPolitics blog first posted them here. Below is the roundup as noted in the post:

Francine Busby (Democrat): She’s raised over $1.3 million. Owes debts of just $9,000 and has about $363,000 cash on hand.

Brian Bilbray (Republican): Raised $328,349 so far in the campaign. Has $107,704 left. (Bilbray had also transferred over about $195,000 from his previous congressional account which has helped his campaign financing).

Eric Roach (Republican): He’s spent over $1.8 million. He had cash on hand of $96,748 but debts of $1,917,388. Of course he can always write another check to his campaign.

Alan Uke (Republican): He reports just $58,056 with debts of $234,667. (This explains the reports that Uke was considering withdrawing from the race. He can write himself a check at any point but he has already spent over $1 million in the race and still has debts of over $200,000).

Bill Morrow (Republican): He has raised $391,000 but now has justRead More

Mike Spence

Dick Mountjoy on EBAY

No April Fools joke here. Seller johnnypie has a Dick Mountjoycampaign button for sale on EBAY. (Quick you have one day left.) You can see it here.The funny part is the former state senator from LA County and Immigration Control Consultant (His ballot title) never made any. Funnier yet is the part about it being"union made".Everyone knows that hadDick made buttonsthey would say "Made in Mexico".… Read More

Today – April 1, 2006- I Endorse Howard Kaloogian

April 1, 2006

I have thought long and hard about this, but today April 1st 2006 I announce that I endorse Howard Kaloogian for the 50th Congressional District. Sure Howard has had some difficulties with endorsements lately, but just because most of his are bogus, does not mean that my endorsement of April 1st, 2006 is. Howard please feel free to place my endorsement along side of those of Tom Tancredo, Bill Morrow and Tom McClintock.

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Jon Fleischman

No Commentaries Saturday or Sunday

Today, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday, there will be no commentary for the FlashReport as I am down in Cabo San Lucas for some rest and relaxation. In the meantime, a big TY to our Guest Editor Nicholas Romero for stepping up this weekend, as well as to all of our FR contributors would continue tomake the FR weblog a place to go to read breaking news and cutting-edge political analysis and commentary!

Have a great weekend!


Jon Fleischman, Publisher

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Weintraub on the Gov’s Bizarre appointment of Joe Nunez

If you read my Commentary today, you’d know that I am wondering aloud at the appointment by Arnold Schwarzenegger of the California Teachers Association’s chief political strategist Joe Nunez to the State Board of Education. Nunez was appointed previously by the now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis but his term is expiring. Nunez is also the Chairman of the Alliance for a Better California (ABC) , the umbrulla group formed by all people anti-Schwarzenegger. If you don’t believe me, check out their website.

FR friend Dan Weintraub, a great columnist at the Sacramento Bee, penned an entry on this in his weblog today. Most of his piece is actually about the fact that the ABC has filed an FPPC complaint against Schwarzenegger after an appeals court ruling came down that notifications were not made in a timely fashion by the Governor’s committees formed to advocate the passage of Propositions 74, 75, 76 and 77 last year. Here is an excerpt from the end of his post (… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ/Zogby poll in CA Governor’s Race

The Wall Street Journal has released a Zogby Survey of Gubernatorial and Senate matchups around the United States. In California, they surveyed voters from March 22 – March 27, and report back that Governor Schwarzenegger is behind both of his opponents were the election held today, with Angelides besting him 45.5% to 40.7% and Westly by 47.1% to 40.7%.

Of course, the entire dynamic of this race will change when the is a strong ‘contrasting’ campaign taking place throughout the fall. But the key to a successful campaign of showing California voters the two distinctly difference choices they have between Schwarzenegger and his eventual Democratic opponent, be it Westly or Angelides, will be a campaign where the Governor campaigns on fiscally conservative themes, and takes on issues such as illegal immigration and property-rights abuse.

You can check out the Zogby survey here, or just click on the attachment below.… Read More