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Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya

For those of us who fought to bring the GOP up from the minority….up from under a corrupt…..big spending Democratically controlled Congress…I feel betrayed and angered by someone (and others) so compelled for power that they simply thumbed their noses at the law….and us.

I say good riddance to Tom DeLay….a man so powerful he very well may cost the GOP the 50th congressional seat. Another form of proof that those with 202 area codes think they are above all and twice as smart.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: 5 GOP, 1 Dem, 1 DTS

These additional appointments from the Governor just came over the wire.

Special "shout out" to FR friend John McCammon (who was Republican Congressman George Radanovich’s Chief of Staff for many years) and a special mention to Christine Ruben who had been working for Chuck Poochigian’s campaign for AG, and is now going to be Deputy Secretary for Communications at the State and Consumer Services Agency.

There are five Republicans, one Democrat and one Decline-to-State in this batch of appointments:


William Bush, 54, of Elk Grove, has been appointed undersecretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency. He has served for over 30 years at the Franchise Tax Board and has held the position of interim executive officer since 2005. Bush is a Republican. John McCamman, 52, of McLean, Virginia, has been appointed chief deputy director of the Department of Fish … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: 5 GOP, 5 Dem

Last week Governor Schwarzenegger announced ten appointments. Again, here we list the appointments, grouped by partisan registration, using the basic guideline that voluntary association of an individual to a political party gives some indicator of their basic ideological and philosophical leanings.

Of special note among the Democrats is Joe Nunez, an appointee of recalled Governor Gray Davis to the State Board of Education. The Governor has re-nominated Nunez to this post. Hold on to your seat for this: Nunez is not only the chief political and legislative person for the California Teachers Assocation union, but is also the Chairman of the Alliance for a Better California, the union-umbrulla group that has and continues to pound Governor Schwarzenegger. I can’t figure out this appointment???


Cary Nosler, 61, of Carmichael, has been appointed to the Acupuncture Board. He has served as host of … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: New Judges: 1 Dem (Masquerading as a DTS)

I was on vacation for a good chunk of last week, so I am playing catch-up on "Appointment Watch" where we review the Governor’s appointments to various positions, and look at the partisan registration of those individual, using the basic guideline that voluntary association of an individual to a political party gives some indicator of their basic ideological and philosophical leanings.

Last week Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced the appointment of longtime Democrat Richard M. Goul to a judgeship in the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Goul, 48, of Newport Beach, has served as a deputy district attorney with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office since 1989. He is currently deputy-in-charge of the sexual assault unit of the Long Beach branch of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Goul was a law clerk for the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office from 1986 to 1989. He also served on the Cerritos College Board of Trustees from 1979 to 1985. Goul… Read More

Voter Guides

Voter Guides (slates) can be a cheap way to deliver a campaigns message to voters. I find them extremely helpful in local races, where a campaign needs to reach a large number of voters on a small budget. It also allows you to target your message to a specific demographic (GOP, DEM, Latino, Women, Military, etc.).

Elizabeth Hansell from our office spent some time last year cleaning up our list — you can find it over at calraces.… Read More

Mike Spence

LA Superior Court Nominee Deception Revealed

Last Thursday I posted about the Governor’s latest appointment to The LA County Bench, Richard Goul. You can see it here.I have been a critic of the Governor’s judicial picks, especially in LA County where the ratio runs 2 to 1 in favor of the Democrats. The California Republican Lawyer Association introduced and got passed a resolution calling on the Gov to appoint Republican to judicial slots.

So what’s the big deal about this appointment?The press release noted he was a decline to state. That is sort of an abstention in the way most us of count stuff. It doesn’t count for you and it doesn’t count against you.

Well, guess what asource connected in the LA DA’s office told me that Goulwas a Democrat. The Orange County Registrar of Voters shows that he was registered for about eight years AS A DEMOCRAT in Newport Beach until 2/21 of 2006 when he suddenly registered as a decline to state voter.

Why did Goul change his registration? Did he doit tomislead us judicial… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Protesting On A Saturday Is No Fun

This is the headline to yesterday’s OC Register story on Saturday’s protest in Costa Mesa against the anti-illegal immigration bill:

1,200 protest in Costa Mesa

Foes of proposed immigration policy changes march peacefully, but numbers fall short of predicted 5,000.

Apparently, all those high school Cesar Chavezes don’t think protesting this issue is all that urgent unless it means they can blow off school authorities, ditch school and act like juvenile delinquents.

Aah, the idealism of the young — it’s so inspiring!… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Global Warming

Due to the lack of meaty political news today I’ve decided to comment on global warming.

It came to my attention today that San Diego, Los Angeles and other parts of California are under a flood watch. After doing about 10 minutes of research I discovered that this is all due to global warming . 10 more minutes of research yielded the following caused by global warming:

Drought Hail Tornados Hurricanes Cold Weather Hot Weather Excessive Rain Wind Flooding

So, you see, global warming is a real situation that we must deal with because ALL weather is caused by it! And don’t ever challenge this theory or some people will get really, really mad!… Read More