Sunday San Diego
Who the heck wrote that?… Speaking of anonymous blogging, I received a smart-aleck email the other day asking me if I receive a check every time I mention the SDPolitics blog. You may know that blog is run and written by a mystery person, but I find it a must read everyday. I often find breaking news and other tidbits that are worth posting, and when I do, I’m gonna give credit. Alternatively, SDPolitics several times has mentioned the FlashReport as the first source of something juicy. It’s mutual, apparently.
My answer back to the emailer: "It is professional courtesy to give credit where credit is due….I don’t see FR and SDPolitics being in competition, and I believe the mutual links drive readership at both sites."
By the way, I support Jon in his decision that these pages are attributed, and I wouldn’t have it any other way for myself…but it isa decision other bloggers need to make for themselves. Just call me… Read More