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Jon Fleischman

‘Green Arnold’ won’t get Sierra Club voters – Bilbray wins, Harman holds lead

There are times when it is convenient that there is ‘breaking news’ to cover – and today would be one of them. I’m going to take a few minutes to talk about last night’s Special Elections in San Diego’s 50th Congressional District and in Orange County’s 35th State Senate District. When I say it is ‘convenient’ — that is because in the absence of covering these races, I would be left with nothing to talk about except the poor public policy and political choiceof Governor Schwarzenegger championing a solo-war against greenhouse gas emissions that will really only serve to make it that much more expensive to work and live in the Golden State.

A California-only solution is not going to solve anything. When one looks at issues like what the proper role in government should be in protecting and preserving the environment should be, and also take into account that any time the government comes in and messes with the marketplace, there is an economic cost involved (as well as a freedom-cost depending on the specific actions of government)… Sigh. We’ll be looking at this environmental… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call on Bilbray/Busby Runoff

Busby, Bilbray Headed to Runoff in California Special Election

ENCINITAS, Calif. — With only provisional and absentee ballots still to be counted, it appeared former Rep. Brian Bilbray (R) could be headed back to Congress later this spring — if he can get by Democrat Francine Busby in a June 6 runoff to replace the jailed and disgraced Duke Cunningham (R) in California’s 50th district.

As the candidates await the tally of those approximately 10,000 ballots, first-time campaigner Eric Roach — a multimillionaire who bankrolled his race to the tune of at least $2 million — was a close second to Bilbray among the Republicans with 14.46 percent of the vote to Bilbray’s 15.15 percent. The closest Republican… Read More

Barry Jantz

Reconstructing Duke’s Seat

1:30 am UPDATE: 100% in,Bilbray by 880 votes. Approximately 10,000 left to count, but Roach would need to get approximately 20% of those versus 10% on Bilbray’s part to change this…ain’t gonna happen. The FlashReport calls it for Brian. Congratulations!

Oh yeah, a run off against Busby in June. Will the conservatives coalesce behind Bilbray, since the primary for the next term is on the same ballot? There will be tremendous pressure to do so. Anyone taking a bite out of Brian on "the other part of the ballot" will also be helping Busby in her effort to win the remainder of the Cunningham term. A big risk for anyone wanting totake that chance.

Based on the number of GOP votes cast for all candidates, especially when many said low turnout and Republican disenchantment could drive a Busby outright victory, I say she’s cooked in June. Make that November too.

FRANCINE BUSBY 56147 43.92% Read More

Deconstructing the 35th

UPDATE: Harman leads by 439 votes now…TRENDING HARKEY.

UPDATE: Harman leads by 612 votes now…

Harman leads by less than 1% or 672 votes.

There are about 5000 absentee ballots, that were MAILED IN yesterday and today, still to be counted and probably won’t be counted until tomorrow.

More results at about 10:30pm. Click here to see them come in live.… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Sen. Runner: ‘Just Build It’

When the Governor gave his "I say build it" State of the State address, at least one legislator in that chamber apparently took those words to heart.

Senator George Runner (R-Lancaster), by introducing Senate Bill 1812, proposes to streamline the planning and environmental review process for Highways like State Route 138, which runs through San Bernardino County’s High Desert communities of Phelan and Pinon Hills and on into Palmdale in Los Angeles County. That particular highway is among Southern California’s most picturesque and unfortunately dangerous routes for everyone from skiers to truckers. Read about it here and here.

The fact that SB 1812 has moved out of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee is big news for the hundreds of thousands of motorists who routinely brave the blind curves, dips and scarce passing lanes that characterize one of the state’s… Read More

Mike Spence

The other April 11th Elections

All you hear about are the special elections in San Diego and Orange County. Big Deal. LA County has elections too you know.

Several cities are holding elections Arcadia, the scandal ridden Vernon election. You’ll see that in the paper tomorrow. And the Big one is theLong Beach Primary. Beverly O’Neil the three time Mayor (once by write in) is retiring and the race to replace includes a cop that got beat up by a park ranger (see it here). The frontrunner by most accounts is Bob Foster formerly of Southern California Edision. He is endorsed by everybody and has over 500K in the bank.

His competition comes from teo Republicans 3rd District Councilman Frank Colonna and the councilman he replaced Doug Drummond. Both are GOPers with Drummond a little more conservative than Colonna.

There are a couple hot council seats as well. I’ll report on them after the hoopla down south is over.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Harkey’s Edge

Conventional wisdom for the Special Election taking place today to replace John Campbell is that a low election-day turnout favor’s his choice to replace him — businesswoman Diane Harkey.

Well, if that’s the case, the fact that at my polling place in Irvine mid-day (it’s actually three large precincts consolidated into this one voting spot) – only two dozen or so voters have turned out today.

If this is the case district-wide, absentee ballot returns will account for an overwhelming majority of votes cast. And Harkey ran the best drill to those early voters…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Following Election Returns

For those who want to follow election returns tonight, you can follow the links below: SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGISTRAR – 50TH CD LIVE RETURNS ORANGE COUNTY REGISTRAR – 35TH SD LIVE RETURNS Look for early returns on absentee ballot results, and a longer wait for the rest.… Read More