The LA April 11th Elections
Yesterday I mentioned that there were April 11th elections other than the ones in San Diego and Orange counties. See it here.In Arcadia eminent domain should it could be a useful issue in local races. Peter Amundson, who I was working for came in 2nd and won a seat on the council. See the story here.The real story is that a poll was done by the mall that had Peter in last place out of 7 candidates with 2 percent of the vote.
What changed thing was the city of Arcadia planning to condemn some businesses and give them to a car dealerdhip. He was the only candidate to attend the rally to save one of the businesses that was featured on Hannity and Colmes. Peter did a piece on eminent domain… against it of course. He was very clear and the people responded. That is an important lesson. "No eminent domain for private gain".… Read More