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Mike Spence

The LA April 11th Elections

Yesterday I mentioned that there were April 11th elections other than the ones in San Diego and Orange counties. See it here.In Arcadia eminent domain should it could be a useful issue in local races. Peter Amundson, who I was working for came in 2nd and won a seat on the council. See the story here.The real story is that a poll was done by the mall that had Peter in last place out of 7 candidates with 2 percent of the vote.

What changed thing was the city of Arcadia planning to condemn some businesses and give them to a car dealerdhip. He was the only candidate to attend the rally to save one of the businesses that was featured on Hannity and Colmes. Peter did a piece on eminent domain… against it of course. He was very clear and the people responded. That is an important lesson. "No eminent domain for private gain".… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Opposes Reiner Tax Increase Measure

Today, via his campaign spokesperson, Governor Schwarzenegger issued a simple but clear statement relative to Proposition 82 that will appear on the November ballot, and raises taxes in order to create a state-controlled pre-school program:

"Put simply, the governor does not support tax increases and is opposed to Proposition 82 because it will raise taxes." – Katie Levinson, Communication Director for the Governor’s Campaign.

This is a great position to take, and hopefully the Governor will spend quite a bit of time publicly speaking out against this measure and raising funds to defeat it. The Governor’s opposition to tax increases is substantially more meaningful if he vigorously fights for this important position. The first step… Read More

Dan Schnur

Arnold vs. Reiner

The decision by Governor Schwarzenegger to oppose Proposition 82 shouldn’t surprise anyone. The fact that he distanced himself from the announcement by leaving it to a campaign spokeswoman to deliver the news shouldn’t be that surprising either. The only surprise is that it took so long.

Way back in 2005, Rob Reiner’s ballot initiative to raise taxes to pay for pre-school programs looked like a pretty sure bet to pass. Taxing the wealthy is a proven vote-getter (for ballot initiatives, not candidates, Mr. Angelides,) Everybody loves pre-school. And Reiner seemed to be on track to putting together a stem cell-ish coalition to fund and pass it. California’s business community leaders announced their opposition, a number of existing preschool providers warned of its harm to their existing programs, and policy analysts began to point out that the initiative would… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Good grief! The Gov taps a Hillary, Boxer, major Dem donor for reappointment to the CSU Board?

Education is a critical issue for America, and for California. As a political professional, I spent the 1998 election cycle 100% dedicated to the education issue, first as the campaign coordinator for the successful Proposition 227 (to end the failed practice of bilingual education in public schools) and then as Campaign Manager for Gloria Matta Tuchman, who narrowly lost against former Democratic State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin.

I am a graduate of the California State University System and served as a member of the California State Students Association representing my university, and I also volunteered on a statewide commiteee of the CSU System.

It pains me to no end to know that during five long years, now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis appointed some very liberal Democrats to the important and impactful position of being a Trustee for the California State University system. There are only a few of these appointments. One of the painful appointments was when… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: 9 GOP, 3 Dem, 1 DTS

The Governor today announced some new appointments. The FR continues to list out these appointments through the prism of political party with the idea that someone’s voluntary association with (or not with) a particular political party is one indicator of their overall political philosophy and/or ideology.

Congrats to FR friend Pam Corradi for being tapped for her local fairboard! Here they are:


Margie Beeson, 52, of Lake View Terrace, has been appointed to the San Fernando Valley Fair Board (51st District Agricultural Association). She serves as an Avid editor and media manager for KCET, public television for Los Angeles. Jan Boel, 62, of Gold River, has been appointed deputy director of legislative and … Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Bucking the Common Wisdom

Jill Buck is the Republican candidate running for the 18th Assembly district which is currently held by Assemblyman Johan Klehs. The common wisdom in this area is that the general election for this district is just a formality after the Democratic primary is over, given the area’s heavy Democratic registration (54% Democrat vs. 21% Republican). But Buck doesn’t buy that common wisdom.

Buck doesn’t believe that the district is a guaranteed Democratic win.

"The fact is when you look at voter turnout, we’re neck and neck," she said. When Buck talked about wanting to run for the State Assembly, she said lots of people encouraged her to run…in another, more Republican district. But she decided to throw her hat in the ring for the 18th distric at this past CRP convention in San… Read More

3400 New Direct Mail Donors- Howard is a Winner

The will be my last post on Howard Kaloogian for some time to come. He lost. No need to kick a dead horse. However this quote in the North County Times today sums up my thoughts on his campaign from the beginning.

"Kaloogian was refusing to concede and said he was particularly proud that his campaign had attracted 3,400 donors."

I lost but I have 3400 new people to solicit for money for all the new projects I am going create for myself. My prediction- before the end of the week, Kaloogian will have a new stop illegal immigration web site up when you can send money to.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: ‘Green Arnold’ won’t get Sierra Club voters – Bilbray wins, Harman holds lead

There are times when it is convenient that there is ‘breaking news’ to cover – and today would be one of them. I’m going to take a few minutes to talk about last night’s Special Elections in San Diego’s 50th Congressional District and in Orange County’s 35th State Senate District. When I say it is ‘convenient’ — that is because in the absence of covering these races, I would be left with nothing to talk about except the poor public policy and political choiceof Governor Schwarzenegger championing a solo-war against greenhouse gas emissions that will really only serve to make it that much more expensive to work and live in the Golden State.

A California-only solution is not going to solve anything. When one looks at issues like what the proper role in government should be in protecting and preserving the environment should be, and also take into account that any time the government comes in and messes with the marketplace, there is an economic cost involved (as well as a freedom-cost depending on the specific actions of government)… Sigh. We’ll be looking at this environmental… Read More